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When the 'bus lurched past them the woman who had screamed the oath after Blanche LeHaye laughed shrilly and made a face, like a naughty child, whereupon the others laughed in falsetto chorus. A touch of real color showed in Blanche LeHaye's flabby cheek. "I'll show'm she snarled. That hussy of a Zella Dacre thinkin' she can get my part away from me the last week or so, the lyin' sneak.

His mind was darting here and there, planning this revenge, discarding it; seizing on another, abandoning that. He'd show'm. He'd show'm. Sick of the whole damn bunch, anyway.... Wonder was Hatton going to raise a shindy.... Let'm. Who cares?... The old man was a drunk, that's what.... Ma had looked kinda sick.... He put that uncomfortable thought out of his mind and slammed the door on it.

I'll show'm ... Oh! ... Cars are afire, too ... Oh-h-h! Where's a hospital?" He cursed weakly as Banneker, without answering, re-stowed his packet and ran on. A thin wisp of smoke rising above the nearer wall of rocks made the agent set his teeth.

I'll show'm a leadin' lady's a leadin' lady. Let 'em go to their hash hotels. I'm goin' to the real inn in this town just to let 'em know that I got my dignity to keep up, and that I don't have to mix in with scum like that. You see that there? She pointed at something in the street. Emma McChesney turned to look.

In no very gracious mood he snatched the card from the girl's hand; but the name meant nothing to him and he flung aside his gloves in resentment of the interruption. "Show'm in," he growled, unlocking the desk and shoving back the lid with a bang. The big young man who entered in answer to the summons enquired for the President.

"Honest to God, Saxon," he took up the broken thread, "they's times when I've hated them, when I wanted to jump over the ropes and wade into them, knock-down and drag-out, an' show'm what fightin' was. Take that night with Billy Murphy. Billy Murphy! if you only knew him. My friend. As clean an' game a boy as ever jumped inside the ropes to take the decision. Him!

The cheap lithographs of the Sam Levin Crackerjack Belles Company glared at one from the bill-boards. "That's our paper," explained Blanche LeHaye. "That's me, in the center of the bunch, with the pink reins in my hands, drivin' that four-in-hand of johnnies. Hot stuff! Just let Dacre try to get it away from me, that's all. I'll show'm." She sank back into her corner.

Anyway, he'd show'm. Out of the shadows of the great trees in front of the Agassiz School stepped the Kearney girl, like a lean and hungry cat. One hand clutched his arm. Buzz jumped and said something under his breath. Then he laughed, shortly. "Might as well kill a guy as scare him to death!" She thrust one hand through his arm and linked it with the other. "I've been waiting for you, Buzz."