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"Umph-humph! dat's jes wat I 'lowed," said Mammy. "I 'lowed yer wouldn't be willin' fur ter go, er set'n' hyear an' er patt'n' yer han's same ez niggers, an' er singin' uv reel chunes; I dunno wat makes you chil'en so onstrep'rous." "Yes, Dumps, you know we promised," said Diddie, "and so we must go when Mammy tells us."

Any lapse of the kind meant that Tom was not in a mood to be trifled with, and Annie turned suddenly to Archelaus. "Where's the cheild?" she asked. "I set'n to gather bullock's glows for th' fire we shall want more'n furze for to-night," replied Archelaus. "Give I a light to take overstairs; 'tes time I was cleanen' of myself. I'm gwain to run with the Neck to-night."

''Fraid she won't never be very good t' worlt. 'Why not? I enquired. 'Han's are too little an' white, he answered. 'She won't have to, I said. He cackled uproariously for a moment, then grew serious. 'Her father's rich, he said, 'the richest man o' Faraway, an I guess she won't never hev anything t' dew but set'n sing an' play the melodium. 'She can do as she likes, I said.

"But Nancy Jane O, bein' so fur er start uv all de res', an' not er dreamin' 'bout no kin' er develment, she 'lowed she'd stop an' take er nap, an' so de lark he come up wid 'er, wile she wuz er set'n on er sweet-gum lim', wid 'er head un'er 'er wing.