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Arrived at the room of their swarthy prisoner, Gratz provided the uncomfortable Robert with the relief he required by instructing him to hasten to his uncle and summon him to the scene, and to avoid giving him any of the details of what had transpired. Glad to escape the depression of the gloomy vicinity, and the unabashed directness of the Sepoy's glance, the young man hurried away.

We were both weak through want of food and the effect of the sun. Lottie and I had no head covering. M had a sepoy's cap I found on the ground. Soon after sunrise we were followed by villagers armed with clubs and spears. One of them struck Captain Scott's horse on the leg. He galloped off with Lottie, and my poor husband never saw his child again.

"However," he added, as if in support of his theory, "I can, at least, trouble you for a match." While Raikes busied himself in an effort to show the hospitality of the service indicated, the Sepoy's busy, furtive eyes glanced here and there about the room with quick, inquiring glances. At one end a bedstead stood, which an antiquarian would have accepted gladly as collateral for a loan.

It was just before daybreak when the head of our little column came upon the advance guard of the enemy. These at once fled, after discharging their pieces, but one of their shots, striking a Sepoy's cartouch box, caused a slight explosion, which threw our advance into some confusion for a moment.

We were both weak through want of food and the effect of the sun. Lottie and I had no head covering. M had a sepoy's cap I found on the ground. Soon after sunrise we were followed by villagers armed with clubs and spears. One of them struck Captain Scott's horse on the leg. He galloped off with Lottie, and my poor husband never saw his child again.

Assuredly Allah hath spread the cloak of stupidity and sloth over this fellow," he said to himself, as his janitor rolled over, and lazily muttering "Oh very well, anything for a little peace," to the sepoy's intense delight fumblingly untied one of his hands. What followed was like a streak of lightning from heaven.

Upon his face a smile, surely evil, otherwise inscrutable, appeared, as he proceeded to the chair by the table, turned down the light in the lamp a trifle, and abstracted from his waistcoat pocket a small red case, the contents of which he examined with absorbed attention. Arrived at his room, Raikes was elated to discover that he was not due at the Sepoy's apartment until twenty minutes later.

"Operation serious?" asked Grim, and neither man smiled. It was perfect acting. "Very, sahib. He removes the half of a sepoy's liver." "Uh! Couldn't think of interrupting him. Too bad! Lead the way."

"We stood the Sepoy's Death Song, said the General, "but the poster of the Bleeding Bride was enough for us." "They had only one elephant!" cried Adrian. "A regular swindle," said Wilfred. "No lions!" added Fely, "nothing to see but that poor old elephant! I wish he would have turned round and spouted water at them, as that one did to the tailor."

"Will you mount it, Fergus?" asked his uncle. "You did not expect such a demonstration." Fergus bit his lip. It was hard to be teased instead of exalted; but Fely and he were absorbed in the pink broadsides that the lady in the car was scattering. The Sepoy's Revenge! Thrilling Incidents! Sagacious Elephant! Dance of Arab Coursers!! Acrobatic Feats!! &c., &c.