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Surely this is, indeed, a literary curiosity. The sonnet runs thus: "O wormy Thomas Stoddart, who inheritest Rich thoughts and loathsome, nauseous words and rare, Tell me, my friend, why is it that thou ferretest And gropest in each death-corrupted lair? Seek'st thou for maggots such as have affinity With those in thine own brain, or dost thou think That all is sweet which hath a horrid stink?

"Vainly the fowler's eye Might mark thy distant flight to do thee wrong, As, darkly painted on the crimson sky, Thy figure floats along. "Seek'st thou the plashy brink Of weedy lake, or marge of river wide, Or where the rocking billows rise and sink On the chafed ocean side?

"Speak not thus darkly," said the youth, colouring so deeply, that face, neck, and hands were in a sanguine glow; "make me sensible of thy purpose." The spirit answered, "Ask thy heart, whose secret cell Is fill'd with Marv Avenel! Ask thy pride, why scornful look In Mary's view it will not brook? Ask it, why thou seek'st to rise Among the mighty and the wise? Why thou spurn'st thy lowly lot?

In the garden of Clement's Inn may still be seen the statue of a negro, supporting a sun-dial, upon which a legal wit inscribed the following lines: "In vain, poor sable son of woe, Thou seek'st the tender tear; From thee in vain with pangs they flow, For mercy dwells not here.

He therefore embraced Cornelia, who lamented his sad exit before it happened; and ordered two centurions, one of his enfranchised slaves, named Philip, and a servant called Scenes, to get into the boat before him. When Achillas had hold of his hand, and he was going to step in himself, he turned to his wife and son, and repeated that verse of Sophocles Seek'st thou a tyrant's door?

And wilt thou leave that happy home, Where once it was so sweet to live? Ah! think, before thou seek'st to roam, What safer shelter Guilt can give! The Bird may rove, and still regain With spotless wings, her wonted rest, But home, once lost, is ne'er again Restored to Woman's erring breast!

And also these: O thou that seek'st to hasten on the feet Of parting's steeds, the matchless swift of flight, Forbear, for fortune's nature is deceit, And parting is the end of love delight. I paid no heed to her words, but kicked the alcove with all my might, and immediately the place grew dark, it thundered and lightened, the earth trembled and the world was wrapped in gloom.

"His lordship knows wot is due to me, and I knows wot is due to 'im therefore it 'appens we are able to ekally respect each other!" "If thou wert honorable, Thou would'st have told this tale for virtue, not For such an end thou seek'st; as base, as strange. Thou wrong'st a gentleman who is as far From thy report, as thou from honor." Cymbeline. Summer in Shakespeare Land!

He was therefore silent; and Magdalen Graeme proceeded with increasing enthusiasm in her apostrophe "Once more, what seek'st thou, false boy? seek'st thou the honour thou hast renounced, the faith thou hast abandoned, the hopes thou hast destroyed?

But alas! these accents dreary Seal his mournful fate: "She thou seek'st her troth hath plighted To all-gracious heaven; To her God she was united Yesterday at even!" To his father's home forever Bids he now adieu; Sees no more his arms and beaver, Nor his steed so true. Then descends he, sadly, slowly, None suspect the sight, For a garb of penance lowly Wears the noble knight.