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"Oh, Tom!" gasped Nan, as she clung to him. "The flash you see'll never hit you, Nan," drawled Tom, trying to be comforting. "Remember that." "It isn't so much the lightning I fear as it is the thunder," murmured Nan, in the intermission. "It just so-o-ounds as though the whole house was coming down." "Ho!" cried Tom. "No house here, Nan." "But " The thunder roared again.

"But I don't want to see Sir Rupert's ghost with its head under its arm," Jimmy insisted. "You won't. The most you'll see'll be the millionaire seeing it. Mabel said he was to see it, not us. Very likely you'll sleep all night and not see anything. Shut your eyes and count up to a million and don't be a goat!"

"Fust thing ye see'll be some yaller eyes starin' at ye outen the dark," said Hank, obligingly. "Then, when I gives the word, both of ye let go, aimin' direct atween the yaller spots." "But what if we miss, and the beast attacks us?" Bob went on, wishing to be thoroughly posted before venturing into that hole.

Gim me yer hand, Prue; I'm a big boy, 'n I'm takin' care er you." "Yes, you're taking care of me real good," Prue answered sweetly, "and I love you fer taking me to my Randy, but Hi," she continued, "I'll have to sit down a minute, my feets are so tired." "Oh, there's time 'nough," said Hi. "We'll rest a while, an' then, after we've walked a little ways, fust thing you'll see'll be the deepot.