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You see they was doin' fine, and father he went off to salt for a spell, so's to see'f 'twouldn't stop a complaint he's got, I do'no' but it's a spine in the back, makes him kinder' faint by spells, so's he loses his conscientiousness all to once; so he left the chickens 'n' things for Melindy to boss, 'n' she got somethin' else into her head, 'n' she left the door open one night, and them ten turkeys they up and run away, I'xpect they took to the woods, 'fore Melindy brought to mind how't she hadn't shut the door.

"You did; and I want you to be up, and stirring quickly." "Well, if dis doesn't beat de witches! Nuffin dis kin' eber happen afore. All jest 'cause dis nigger lef his post. See'f ole Massa don't say dat." Wilkins bade him talk less, and dress quick; and in a few minutes the three descended the stairs together.

Take ernother squint at me, an' see'f ye kin 'member a good lookin' man!" "You have somewhat the appearance of an old scamp by the name of Jazon that formerly loafed around with a worthless gun on his shoulder, and used to run from every Indian he saw down yonder in Kentucky." Clark held out his hand and added cordially: "How are you, Jazon, my old friend, and where upon earth have you come from?"

Just now that worthy was surveying his subordinates with a care-free smile of bonhomie. "Guess we'll dhrop inta th' shtore on our way up" suggested he, "see'f there's any mail, an' have a yarn wid ould MacDavid." Half way up the long, winding, graded trail that led to the detachment, the trio turned into another trail which traversed it at this point.

One av yeh're own cases last month, tu!" He tenderly pocketed the clippers. "Yes! ye shud know him!" dryly "lukked troo th' bottom av a glass wid him often enough." "Let's see'f he's got any letters or anything in his pockets to make sure!" began Redmond eagerly. Suiting the action to the word he bent down to investigate. But Slavin intruded a huge arm.

"Wish Slavin were here!" he said, "let's take a dekko from the top of the rise, Reddy, see'f we can see him coming. I'm getting cold sitting here." Redmond, nothing loath, complied. Mounting, they turned back to the summit of the ridge. Reaching it, the jingle of bells smote their ears, and they espied the Police cutter approaching them at a rapid pace.

Wadleigh, composedly, as she trimmed the top of her shoe preparatory to binding it. "Well, you see'f I ain't!" "In the fust place," went on Mrs. Pendleton, nervously, "the cross-road ain't broke out, an' you can't git there. I dunno's a horse could plough through; an' s'posin' they could, Cyrus ain't no more fit to go out an' carry you over'n a fly." "Don't you worry," said Mrs.

She recovered herself before my lord went by, took a ginger cookie from her pocket, and put it into Davie Tolman's hand. "Here," she said, pushing him forward, "you go an' offer it to him. He'll take it. See'f he don't!" Davie accepted the mission with joy, and persisted in it until he found himself close beside that swaying bulk, and saw the long trunk curved enticingly toward him.