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An' why don't you go for a long motor; ride up Westchester way? The scenery's great!" "How do you know, have you been there?" "Not just lately, but I was last fall. Do you remember the big trees just at the turn of the road by " But Ruth was not listening to the child. Stone had said something that claimed her attention. However, Fibsy was unabashed.

Those, however, who read his notes and reflections carefully and intelligently are bound to notice how much more than a mere verse-maker Burns was. This was the journal of a man of strong, sound sense and keen observation. It has also to be recognised that Burns was at his weakest when he attempted to describe scenery for mere scenery's sake. His gift did not lie that way.

"But these rocky old farms are mighty hard to work. I bet I picked up a million dornicks out o' that upper cornfield las' month. An' ye plow jest as many out o' the ground ev'ry year. Mebbe the scenery's pretty upon these here hills; but ye can't eat scenery, and the crops are mighty poor." Over the lip of a smoothly-worn ledge the water sprayed into a granite basin.

"Yes," said Jill. "I heard someone talking about it when I was dining with the Bedells. It sounded priceless. I had a sort of idea it was quite small, and had a prince, but it's really quite big, and it's got a king over it, and they all wear the old picturesque dress, and the scenery's gorgeous. And, if it was wet, we could go to the the " "Kursaal," said Berry. "No, not Kursaal.

I'm out in this country a good deal for my health. This thing interests me." "Sure," replied Orde, puzzled. "Look all you want to. The scenery's free." "Yes. But can you put me up? Can I get a chance to stay with you a little while?" "Oh, as far as I'm concerned," agreed Orde heartily. "But," he supplemented with one of his contagious chuckles, "I'm only river-boss.

"I never look at it. All scenery's alike. Trees, mountains, water water, mountains, trees; the same thing over and over again, like the bits of colored glass in a kaleidoscope. I read about the scenery, and that is quite enough for me." "But no book can paint an Italian lake or an Alpine sunset; and when one is on the spot...." "I beg your pardon," interrupted the traveller in gray.

"Places do have that effect with some," Cai assented again, but more dejectedly. Horrid apprehension if 'Bias should extend his dislike to Troy itself! "I'm feeling better already," 'Bias continued, answering and allaying this unspoken fear. "Is that the gasworks yonder?" "Yes. The real scenery's at the other end o' the town." "The smell's healthy, they tell me."

We'll take some drives; I'll show you some charming scenery." "Scenery's not my department; I always need a human interest. You know I'm deeply human, Isabel; I always was," Miss Stackpole rejoined. "I was going to bring in your cousin the alienated American. There's a great demand just now for the alienated American, and your cousin's a beautiful specimen. I should have handled him severely."