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"Well, suh, they's a maiden race nex' Satu'day, an' I was thinkin' mebbe the Gen'al could win it if he gits a good ride. Jockey Jones didn't have no otheh engagement, suh, so I done hired him fo' the 'casion." "Oh, you did, did you? Now listen to me, Gabe: I don't want anybody from the Curry stable hanging around this place.

"Every night they rest, and so do all growing things." Dale thought a moment, for this was a new idea. "I don't believe it," he finally declared. Then smiling, and dropping into the attractive drawl, he asked: "Cunnel, ye wouldn't go so fur as ter say the trees takes Satu'day off ter quit growin', would ye?" Bob laughed, but the old gentleman sighed.

I say it ain't a lovely morning, not by no manner o' means, and what I says I ain't ashamed on, being a nat'rally truthful man!" With which words he sighed, kicked the fire again, and stumped out. "Our friend would seem somewhat gloomy this morning," said I. "He've been that way a fortnight now, come Satu'day," replied the slim lass, nodding. "Oh?" said I.

Yo' know, boss, I sort o' figgeh the Gen'al's got a mighty good chance nex' Satu'day in that secon' race. A mighty good chance." Pitkin sneered. "Going to bet on him, are you?" "No, suh; not 'less some people pay me whut they owes me." "You'd only blow it in if you had it," replied Pitkin. "The General's a darn bad race horse always was and always will be."

"For several reasons, Dale; one being that they don't have school on Saturdays, and another, quite sufficient in itself, that Miss Jane has a headache." "What's Satu'day got ter do with hit?" He asked again, unconscious of the other's growing ill humor. "You darned boob," Bob laughed, "don't you know that Saturday is a holiday? It always is! They never have school on that day!"

What did you find out about Zanzibar?" "Oh, him!" Shanghai blinked rapidly as if dispelling a vision. "Zanzibar? Why, kunnel, they aimin' to slip him oveh Satu'day." "Ah, hah!" Old Man Curry tugged at his white beard. "Ah, hah. I thought so. Had him under cover, eh? Where have they been workin' him?" "Out on the county road 'bout two miles f'um yere. You know that nice stretch with all them trees?