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Old Dave Sage-Brush's son has borrowed him an automobile, and gone back to town on his own hook. Guess you'd better call up the division despatcher and tell him the broken-wire gag didn't work. Get a move on. We hain't got nothin' to stay here for now." Blount had a very pleasant drive across country, with no mishap worse than a blown-out tire and a little carbureter trouble.

Sage-brush turned savagely upon him: "That'll do for you." Echo walked hastily to Sage-brush's side. She felt her presence might help to avoid the outbreak which she saw could not long be avoided. Peruna had lost control of tongue and discretion by this time. "You'll never see him back in this section again.

This was not in the contract, but it was a part read into the paper by Sage-brush. "Say, my name's Sage-brush Charley," he cried, with a show of importance. "I'm ranch-boss for Payson. If you want to settle any old claim agin' Jack, I'm actin' as his substitoot for him this evenin'." "On the contrary," said Lane, with a smile at Sage-brush's outbreak, "he has a claim against me."

Polly's youth, good nature, and ability to take care of herself made her a favorite on the ranch. She had no need of defenders, but if an occasion should arise that Polly required a knight, there were a score of guns at her service at an hour's notice. "Looks like a picture from a book," said Fresno, hoping to win back the ground he had lost by Sage-brush's openly expressed admiration.

"Nobody saw you over that way, did they?" "I saw Terrill. It must have been just before he was killed. I didn't meet anybody else." Jack showed no trace of temper under the inquisition. "Of course you saw him before he was killed about a minute. Mebbe you didn't plug him the next minute with a .44." The charge roused Sage-brush's fighting blood.

Before any of the Sweetwater outfit could reach Peruna's side, or pull a gun to resent the insult, Buck was on top of him. With a blow full in the mouth, he knocked him sprawling. Echo had seized Sage-brush's hand, preventing him from firing. The other men moved as if to kick Peruna as he lay prostrate. "Let him alone. He's goin' to ask the lady's pardon," snarled Buck, covering him with his gun.

The Sweetwater outfit assented unanimously to Sage-brush's declaration of freedom from outlaw rule in the county. "You're a fine lot to set up as law-abidin' citizens " sneered Buck. "Workin' for a man that had to hop the country to keep clear of the rope," interjected Peruna, who, heartened up by the advent of McKee, began pouring oil on a smoldering fire.