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May your shadows never grow less! Your sacrifice's brother, Hadji Mollah Hassan, whose eyes were gladdened by a sight of the asp-i-awhan Sahib at Shahrood, and who now sends his salaams, telegraphs me his unworthy brother that upon the Sahib's arrival in Meshed I should render him any assistance he might need.

And its complexion is that of fire, and it is endued with mighty energy and adorned with Jamvunada gold. He is the Lord of all creatures, and is possessed, O bull of Bharata's race, of every kind of prosperity. He is the actor, and it is He that makes all others act. He, O monarch, is earth, water, space, air, and fire. He is Sacrifice's self unto all creatures, and fire is His mouth."

For if the lot seems to be disposed of by design, it ceaseth to be chance and fortune, and becomes fate and providence. Nor is it fit that we should reckon Tiresias's soul amongst the rest, On whom alone, when deep in hell beneath, Wisdom Proserpina conferred, to discourse and converse with the living even before he drank the sacrifice's blood.

For the sake of that i.e., for sacrifice's, or Vishnu's sake. So say all the commentators. Bhavaya is explained by both Sankara and Sreedhara as Vradhaya or make grow. Perhaps, "rear" is the nearest approach to it in English. K. T. Telang renders it, 'please. The idea is eminently Indian. The gods are fed by sacrifices, and in return they feed men by sending rain.

Why should his first his last glimpse of positive happiness be so indissolubly linked with renunciation? It is perhaps because, like many spirits of the same stock, he had in his composition a lurking principle of sacrifice, sacrifice for sacrifice's sake, to the authority of which he had ever paid due deference, that he now felt all the vehemence of rebellion.