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At this Rupe's scornful expression altered to one of contrition. "Well, I declare!" he exclaimed remorsefully. "I didn't s'pose it would hurt. Turn about's fair play; so now you do that to me."

He slipped the ring on her finger and kissed it. A moment later he stood in the courtyard beside Rupert's horse, where the others were waiting. "Heavens!" said Hugh to Philip; "what's happened to Rupe?" "Yes," echoed Vernon, "who's that in old Rupe's clothes?" "Shut up!" Philip hissed, fixing them with a meaning glance. "Say another word, and I'll flay you!

He extended the middle finger of his left hand and Penrod promptly seized it, but did not twist it, for he was instantly swung round with his back to his amiable new acquaintance: Rupe's right hand operated upon the back of Penrod's slender neck; Rupe's knee tortured the small of Penrod's back. "OW!" Penrod bent far forward involuntarily and went to his knees again.

The result produced by the glare of Rupe's unfamiliar eyes, and by the dreadfully suggestive proximity of Rupe's unfamiliar nose, was altogether different. Herman's and Verman's Bangala great-grandfathers never considered people of their own jungle neighbourhood proper material for a meal, but they looked upon strangers especially truculent strangers as distinctly edible.

The rake glanced from the back of Rupe's head to his shoulder, but it felled him.

It could be felt that something awful was about to happen, and Penrod, as he rose from the floor, suffered an unexpected twinge of apprehension and remorse: he hoped that Rupe wouldn't REALLY hurt Herman. A sudden dislike of Rupe and Rupe's ways rose within him, as he looked at the big boy overwhelming the little darky with that ferocious scowl.

The gloomy satisfaction with which Uncle Ben regarded this peroration a satisfaction that actually appeared to be equal to the revelation itself only corroborated the master's indignant doubts. "Come," he said, impulsively taking the paper from Uncle Ben's reluctant hand, "how much of this is a concoction of yours and Rupe's and how much is a true story? Do you really mean?" "Hold on, Mr.