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Every evening at sunset, at that hour of mystery when the street-lights begin to shine and women to seem more beautiful, the student left his lodgings and, passing through the Calle Romanos and the Calle Carmen, took his way toward the Puerta del Sol, always full of an idle, loitering crowd which seems to have nowhere to go.

Nos, se. Romanos. Spectaculo. Ablative. Invidere is constructed by the Latins in the following ways: invidere alicui aliquid, alicui alicujus rei, alicui aliqua re, alicui in aliqua re. Hess. Cf. Quint. Oblectationi oculisque. Hendiadys for ad oblectationem oculorum.

Happily the learned and gentle doctor is a bacteriologist superb. By his orders the field was burnt. Fortunately, the area was small and dissociated from the other fields of Señor Fernardey by wide zanzas. With the exception of two small pieces of the infected corn, carried away by Dr. Romanos and the foreign medical-cavalier, the pest was incinerated."

Besides these marvellous facts, others were doubtless noticed, as new laws, dedication of temples or monuments, establishment of colonies, deaths of great men, erection of statues, &c.; but all with the utmost brevity. Sentences occur in Livy which seem excerpts from them, e.g. His consulibus Fidenae obssesae, Crustumina capta, Praeneste ab Latinis ad Romanos descivit.

This form of attributive phrase, consisting of a preposition with a noun, is common; cf. 24 ex agro Sabino rusticos Romanos; 40 cum hostibus clandestina colloquia. Querella is better spelling than querela. See Roby, 177, 2. QUI: 'men of such nature as to .... ET ... NEC: Roby 2241. The reason for the departure from the ordinary sequence of particles lies in the words non moleste.