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"A donkey," I repeated. "The child took a fancy to it, and we all agreed it might help to steady her give her a sense of responsibility." "I somehow felt you hadn't overlooked Veronica," said Ethelbertha. I thought it best to change the conversation. She seemed in a fretful mood. Robina's letter was dated Monday evening, and reached us Tuesday morning. "I hope you caught your train," she wrote.

He could hear the question, "Why were you afraid?" and Robina's answer but at that point he always reminded himself that it was as a churchman that he objected to divorce. For his profession had committed him to a pose.

Two days passed before more letters were received, and these came by the first instead of the second post, before breakfast was over. Four besides one unheeded, being only in Robina's childish handwriting Alda to Wilmet, Thomas Underwood and Ferdinand both to Felix, Edgar to Geraldine.

And all the time he was aware, without admitting it, that, if the thing came into court, Robina's evidence might be a little damaging to the appearances of wisdom and patience, of austerity and dignity, which he had preserved so well.

Two middle-aged men were listening to a complaint she made; the one was Robert Macdonald the minister, the other was the family doctor. 'It's no use Robina's telling me that I must coax my mother to eat, as if I hadn't tried that' the voice became shrill 'I've begged her, and prayed her, and reasoned with her. 'No, no, Miss Macdonald no, no, said the doctor soothingly.

It is not often that Robina's yearnings take this direction: to thwart them, when they did, seemed wrong. We had some difficulty with the Little Mother. That these three babies of hers will ever be men and women capable of running a six- roomed cottage appears to the Little Mother in the light of a fantastic dream.

Robina said that if he would excuse her she would return to her work; and he answered "Charmed," and also that he didn't mean it. As I have tried to get it into Robina's head, the young fellow was confused. He had meant it was self-evident that he was charmed at being introduced to her, not at her desire to return to the kitchen. But Robina appears to have taken a dislike to him.

The letters he had left were Robina's and another enfolding it containing these words: Dear Sir According to my promise, I have refrained from opening this letter, though I own that the discovery of the purpose for which free correspondence was asked, has been no small amazement to me.

I explained to her that I should be there, at all events for two or three days in every week, to give an eye to things. Even that did not content her. She gave way eventually on Robina's solemn undertaking that she should be telegraphed for the first time Veronica coughed. On Monday we packed a one-horse van with what we deemed essential. Dick and Robina rode their bicycles.

It would be long, as Robina herself that evening bitterly declared, before she would again give ear to the promptings of her better nature. To take next the sad case of Archibald Bute: his sole desire had been to relieve, at the earliest moment possible, the anxieties of a sister and a mother. Robina's new hat, not intended for sport, had broken away from its fastenings.