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She was soon afterward excused from her duties in the Vestal temple, and went away, and remained for some time shut up in retirement and seclusion. There at length two children, twins, were born to her. It was only through the influence of Antho, Rhea's cousin, that the unhappy vestal was not put to death by Amulius, before her children were born, at the time when her fault was first discovered.

What these circumstances were, will be explained in the next chapter. The temple of Mars at Alba. Its situation. Rhea's fault. Her excuse. The wolf story. Rhea in trouble. Birth of her sons. Antho. The anger of Amulius. Rhea imprisoned. Faustulus. His plan. The box that he made. He follows the stream. The children thrown out upon the sand. The wolf. The woodpecker.

And what would become of me in the abode of your beatitude if I did not find there my friends, my ancestors, my masters, and my gods, and if it is not given to me to see Rhea's noble son, or Venus, mother of Aeneas, with her winning smile, or Pan, or the young Dryads, or the Sylvans, or old Silenus, with his face stained by Aegle's purple mulberries. These are the reasons which I begged that simple man to plead before the successor of Jupiter."

This beauty will not only give us enough meat for breakfast, but provide dinners and suppers for at least a couple of days to come." So saying, he draws his knife across the rhea's throat, to make sure before releasing its legs from the thong. After which the boliadores are detached; and the huge carcase, almost as heavy as that of a fatted calf, is carried in triumph to the camp.

This 'wild mirth of the desert, which the gaucho has known for the last three centuries, is now passing away, for the rhea's fleetness can no longer avail him. He may scorn the horse and his rider, what time he lifts himself up, but the cowardly murderous methods of science, and a systematic war of extermination, have left him no chance.

This is the Attis of many forms, of whom they sing as follows: 'Of Attis will I sing, of Rhea's Beloved, Not with the booming of bells, Nor with the deep-toned pipe of Idaean Kuretes; But I will blend my song with Phoebus' music of the lyre; Evoi, Evan, for thou art Pan, thou Bacchus art, and Shepherd of bright stars!"

She was then received into the temple of Vesta, and there, with the other maidens who had been consecrated before her, she devoted herself to the discharge of the duties of her office, without reproach, for several years. At length, however, certain circumstances occurred, which suddenly terminated Rhea's career as a vestal virgin, and led to results of the most momentous character.

If I deal too much in licences, it is not because I am idle, but because I am speculative for freedom's sake. It is possible, you know, to be wrong conscientiously; and I stand up for my conscience only. I thank you earnestly for your candour hitherto, and I beseech you to be candid to the end. It is tawny as Rhea's lion. Yet consider its structure.

These limitations we will concede to the pantomime's wide field of knowledge; but within them he must be familiar with every detail: the mutilation of Uranus, the origin of Aphrodite, the battle of Titans, the birth of Zeus, Rhea's deception, her substitution of a stone for her child, the binding of Cronus, the partition of the world between the three brothers.

For breakfast, mutton cutlets, coffee, and things made with maize. Eggs were plentiful eggs of fowl, duck, goose, and wild fowl's eggs wild duck and plover in their season. In spring August to October we occasionally had an ostrich or rhea's egg in the form of a huge omelette at breakfast, and it was very good.