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This was a great step towards making the Stadtholderate hereditary in their families, one of the leading objects of their ambitious views. His Edition of Stobæus. His Treatise de Jure Belli et Pacis. His Treatise de Veritate Religionis Christianæ. His Treatise de Jure summarum potestatum circa sacra. His Commentary on the Scriptures. Some other Works of Grotius

Another assailant, Theophile Raynaud, asserts that certain passages in this book suggest, if they do not prove, that Cardan did not set down his real opinions on the subject in hand. Raynaud ends by forbidding the faithful to read any of Cardan's books, and describes him as "Homo nullius religionis ac fidei, et inter clancularios atheos secundi ordinis ævo suo facile princeps."

Persecutions against the Protestants at this time raged so hotly that Calvin was no longer safe in France, and he betook himself to Basel, whence he issued, in the year 1536, the first edition of his "Christianæ Religionis Institutio," with the famous preface addressed to Francis I. The concentrated vigor and intensity of feeling of this address, rising into indignant remonstrance, and at times into pathetic and powerful influence, make it one of the most memorable documents in connection with the Reformation.

His first work, the Elenchus Papisticæ Religionis , against the Jesuits, was brought before the High Commission at the same time with his Flagellum Pontificis , a work which, ostensibly directed against the Pope's temporal power, aimed, in Laud's eyes, at English Episcopacy and the Church of England.

His De Veritate Religionis Christianae and his Annotationes in Vetus et in Novum Testamentum are now out of date; but the De Veritate was in its day a most valuable piece of Christian apologetic and was quickly translated into many languages.

Subrepis nomine blandienti, occidis specie religionisThou privily creepest in with an enticing title, thou killest with the pretence of religion, for, 1.

Is it not also, because the law of nature and nations, with all its merit, is so loose, that its principles seldom admit of that practical application, which renders them really useful; and which an English mind always requires? De Veritate Religionis Christianæ.