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This is a legitimate use of regression although it is not used so much these days to uncover past traumatic incidents. Actually, regression, by duplicating the exact earlier age, manner of speech and thought, etc., makes us once more as little children, a condition to be desired for certain forms of therapy. An atavistic theory, held to some extent by Dr.

In the section on the pineal gland there was mentioned the relation between light and the pineal gland in growing animals, and how it serves to keep in check the sex-stimulating action of light. The earlier puberty and menstruation of the warmer climates may be explained as due to an earlier regression of the pineal under the pressure of a great amount of light playing upon the skin.

The affects of dream thoughts suffer slighter changes than their image content. They are usually repressed. Where they are retained they are detached from images and grouped according to their similarity.” An important point is the infantile in the dream, in which connection we must mention the Regression. Usually, however, it is first disclosed by psychoanalysis.

But the worst dangers and risks come of the failure to adventure, of the refusal to face the tasks of the world and to assume the full function of life. All that Freud has told of the paralysing and maiming influence of infantile arrest or regression is here profitable to consider.

According to our present principle it means the choice of the parents with the smallest hereditary percentage. One might easily imagine that by this means the dicotylous seedlings could be rendered pure. This, however, is not at all the case. It is easy to return from so highly selected figures as for instance 95% to the average about of 50%, as regression to mediocrity is always an easy matter.

We shall take up some illustrative examples presently, but in order to make them clear, it is necessary to give a closer consideration to the results of Vilmorin. From his experience it follows that the average of the progeny is higher than that of the race at large, but lower than the chosen parent. In other words, there is a progression and a regression.

Statistical inquiries have led to some definite ideas about the importance of regression, and these furnish a basis for experimental researches concerning the causes of the phenomenon. Very advantageous material for the study of progression and regression in the realm of fluctuating variability is afforded by the ears of corn or maize.

It is striking, too, how quickly a patient, while somewhat dull and slow, will brighten up when allowed to return home. A similar improvement under these circumstances is often seen in partially recovered cases of involution melancholia, in whom a psychological regression similar to that of stupor takes place.

Regression, as may be recalled from the 2d section of Part I, is a harking back to more primitive psychic activities, from thinking to gazing, from doing to hallucinating; a striving back towards childhood and the pleasures of childhood. It was pre-eminently father and mother who appeared as objects of childish love, as well as of defiance.

According to the view of modern psychopathology, the essence of insanity is regression with indolent thinking as opposed to progressive and energetic mentation. One can look on stupor as being a profound regression. It is possible to think of this regression as a return to the mental habit of the suckling period, when spontaneous effort is at its minimum.