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"I'd believe ye sooner if ye said ye saw pink elephants," said Jarrow. "Git down to cases. What's his name?" "Money talks," suggested Vanderzee. "Moonshine!" declared Peth. "His name's Locke," said Dinshaw. "Will ye go, Jarrow? I'll make ye all rich." "Now what did this Locke man say?" demanded Jarrow. "I don't want any ravin's. I want facts, straight out, so you come up into the wind.

He was all for fetchin' the doctor right off, but I told him I cal'lated we could bear with your ravin's for a spell. Did you say what he said you said?" "I'm afraid I did." "Um-hm. Well, it didn't do any good, did it?" "Good? What do you mean?" "I mean he didn't obey orders Colton, that is." "He hadn't when I left." "I thought not.

Rogers continued: "But I stick to it thet the Lawd nevah intended his people to go stark, starin' crazy ovah religion, no more'n ovah anything else. All them ravin's an' jerkin's an' holy-laughin's an' holy-dancin's air onseemly in any fo'ks, sinnah or saint. The Almighty don't want to be pestered with no sich tekin'-on. When he calls, listen; whut he says do, you jes' git up an' do.

Kenelm Parker heard a conversation like the foregoing on one occasion and left the office rubbing his forehead. "There's two lunatics in that place," he told the postmaster. "And if I'd stayed there much longer and listened to their ravin's there'd have been another one." Kenelm seemed unusually contented and happy in his capacity as man-of-all-work at the High Cliff House.

Aw've awlus bin flayed, and never gone near 'em. 'Thaa may thank God as thy lad didn't dee of a fayver. Aw's never forgeet haa th' measter and I watched and listened to aar lad's ravin's. Haa he rached aat wi' his honds, and kept settin' up and makin' jumps at what he fancied he see'd abaat him; and when we co'd him he never knowed us.