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"Ah again!" she cried. She sprang from her bed, rushed to the door, and strained her eyes into the silver night. She called into the icy void, "Qui va l

On reaching his closet, the king's attendants proceeded to array him in a surcoat of crimson velvet, powdered with garters embroidered in silk and gold, with the motto boni soft qui mal y pense wrought within them.

"Wagram!" repeated the same voice as before, while his party resumed their march; and the next moment the patrol was again upon his post, silent and motionless as before. "En avant, Messieurs!" said I, aloud, as soon as the infantry had proceeded some distance, "en avant!" "Qui va l

A Pest je traversai le Danube et entrai dans Bude sept jours après mon départ de Belgrade. Bude, la principale ville de Hongrie, est sur une hauteur beaucoup plus longue que large. Au levant elle a le Danube, au couchant un vallon, et au midi un palais qui commande la porte de la ville, palais qu'a commencé l'empereur, et qui, quand on l'aura fini, sera grand et fort.

Forgetful of her own instigation, she demands who it was that suggested to him the horrible deed 'Qui te l'a dit? she shrieks: one of those astounding phrases which, once heard, can never be forgotten. She rushes out to commit suicide, and the play ends with Oreste mad upon the stage.

These are partial names, indefinite and unsatisfactory unless there be kept the knowledge of the two Infinites, pagan and Christian, which they go between. When both are there, they are like a superb bridge, on which one can stand and know the whole world, my world, the two halves of the universe. 'Essere, o non essere, e qui il punto. To be or not to be was the question for Hamlet to settle.

His words are worth quoting as a curiosity, if nothing else: L'experience nous apprend, que la plupart des noms significatifs qu'on a voulu donner a differens objets d'histoire naturelle, sont devenus faux a mesure qu'on a decouvert des qualites, des proprietes nouvelles ou contraires a celles qui avaient fait donner ces noms: il faut donc, pour se mettre a l'abri des contradictions, eviter les termes figures, et meme faire en sorte qu'on ne puisse les rapporter a quelque etymologie, a fin que ceux, qui ont la fureur des etymologies, ne soient pas tenus de leur attribuer une idee fausse.

The phrases were wrung from him. "Good-bye no, a la bonne heure, my dearest," he wrote. "Good days are coming brave, great days, when I shall be free to strike another blow for England, both from within and from without France; when I shall be, if all go well, the Prince d'Avranche, Duc de Bercy, and you my perfect Princess. Good-bye! Thy Philip, qui t'aime toujours."

Il me sembloit que ie marchois sur vn chemin de verre qui se cassoit a tous coups soubs mes pieds: la neige congelee venant a s'amollir, tomboit et s'enfoncoit par esquarres ou grandes pieces, et nous en auions bien souuent iusques aux genoux, quelquefois iusqu'a la ceinture.

This set Baraka on the qui vive to catch Bombay tripping; for Baraka knew he could not get her without paying a good price for her, and therefore watched his opportunity to lay a complaint against him of purloining my property, by which scheme he would, he thought, get Bombay's place as storekeeper himself.