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It does appear to us to be one of the most singular and perplexing anomalies of his elaborate system, that he can dogmatize so confidently on the terminus ad quem of human progress, when from the terminus a quo there has been, according to his own account, a series of variations so wonderful, and a succession of states so diverse and opposite, as those which he describes.

'Well, this is the inscription I gave to Scaevola to cut on the one altar we promised he was cheap at one. 'Silvano invicto sacrum L. Sentius Castus signifer Leg VI. Et Tetricus explorator murus Ob cervum eximiae formae captum Quem multi antecessores eorum Praedari non potuerunt.

In quem illud elogium: hunc unum plurimae consentiunt gentes populi primarium fuisse virum. Notum est totum carmen incisum in sepulcro. Iure igitur gravis, cuius de laudibus omnium esset fama consentiens. Quem virum nuper P. Crassum, pontificem maximum, quem postea M. Lepidum eodem sacerdotio praeditum vidimus! Quid de Paulo aut Africano loquar, aut, ut iam ante, de Maximo?

The terminus a quo of this flight, and the terminus ad quem, are equally magnificent; the mightiest of Christian thrones being the one, the mightiest of Pagan the other. And the grandeur of these two terminal objects, is harmoniously supported by the romantic circumstances of the flight.

And he gave thanks to God, and all the darkness was banished from Magh-Ai. Inter nepotes etiam Ailello fuit, et baptizavit Maineum sanctum quem ordinavit Episcopus Bronus filius Iccni qui est i Caisel-Irra, servus Dei socius Patricii. Patrick went to Magh-glas, where he founded Cill-mor of Magh-glas; and he left two of his people there, viz., Conleng and Ercleng.

The Official Gazette then gives extracts from the Rouen paper, which are very contradictory. Our newspapers, however, in commenting on them, come to the conclusion that there are two armies in the field well equipped, and that they have already achieved important successes. The situation also of Bazaine is proved to be excellent. Quem Dem, &c.

For I easily foresaw that, if I should have attempted any thing in a dishonorable way, by fraud or force, upon her, I should have thereby brought a wound upon mine own soul, a foul scandal upon my religious profession, and an infamous stain upon mine honor, which was far more dear unto me than my life. 'Felix quem faciunt aliena Pericula cantum,

He was examining a large dark picture that hangs behind the altar, one of a series illustrating the miracles of St. Bertrand. The composition of the picture is well-nigh indecipherable, but there is a Latin legend below, which runs thus: "Qualiter S. Bertrandus liberavit hominem quem diabolus diu volebat strangulare."

'five years after'. ADULESCENTULUS MILES: See n. on 21 quemquam senem. Miles here = gregarius miles. QUEM MAGISTRATUM: sc. quaesturam, to be understood from quaestor Cf. TUDITANO ET CETHEGO: when the praenomina of the consuls are given the names generally stand side by side without et; when they are omitted et is generally inserted. Cf. n. on 50 Centone Tuditanoque, etc.

"Me Guido de Senis diebus depinxit amoenis Quem Christus lenis nullis velit angere poenis."