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Everybody liked to hear the sturdy song of these grim vocalists; and whenever they struck in, each solo or duo or quatuor of men, playing Anvil Chorus, quickened time, and all the action and rumor of the busy opera went on more cheerily and lustily. So work kept astir like play. An hour before sunset, Bill Tarbox stepped into Wade's office.

If this is true, the sending "judges" must allude to the "sending them to Cambray," which had been proposed at Marseilles. See the letter of the Bishop of Bayonne, dated March 23, in Legrand. A paraphrase is given by Burnet, Vol. III. p. 132. Promisistis predecessori meo quod si sententiam contra regem Angliæ tulisset, Cæsar illum infra quatuor menses erat invasurus, et regno expulsurus.

Usa vehiculo carpentario, raro pilento, equo saepius. Fertur autem vel tria, vel quatuor milliaria frequenter eam peditibus ambulasse. Nata est Hispanoram Cupiditate; bibit saepe cum ducibus, quum esset alias sobria; bibit etiam cum Persis atque Armeniis, ut eos vinceret. Usa est vasis aureis gemmatis ad convivia, quibus et Cleopatra usa est.

This is undoubtedly in the genuine manner of the Augustan age, but in a manner which was censured by one of the best poets and critics of that or any age: Migravit ab aure voluptas Omnis ad incertos oculos, et gaudia vana: Quatuor aut plures aulæa premuntur in horas, Dum fugiunt equitum turmæ, peditumque catervæ; I must interrupt the passage, most fervently to deprecate and abominate the sequel:

Cursor enim appropinquans cornu sonat, et tunc alius praeparat, et vlterius currit. Odericus. Sciendumque tam primogenitum Regis, quam singulas de tribus vxoribus ducere similem apparatum in itinerando post ipsum; scilicet cum quatuor comitatibus, ante, et retro, et a lateribus, sed in valde minori numero personarum pro placito, et in singulis curribus sequentibus se inuicem per vnam dietam.

"In omnibus Sabbatis per annum entra Adventum et Quadragesimam, ac nisi Quatuor Tempora aut Vigiliae ocurrant," etc.

Hence the quatuor jugera, or four acres, is an expression which proverbially indicated plebeian affluence and contentment, a full remuneration for the toils of war, and a sufficient inducement at all times to take up arms in defence of the republic.

The first act, after scenes between false Camillo and Michiella, ends with the marriage of Camillo and Camilla; a quatuor composed of Montini, Vittoria, Irma, and Lebruno. Michiella is in despair; Count Orso is profoundly sonorous with paternity and devotion to the law. He has restored to Camilla a portion of her mother's sequestrated estates.

The numerals are the same in these three languages, and yet katvāras sounds quite differently from τέσσαρες and quatuor and our four. The words for eight, octo in Latin, ὀκτώ in Greek, and ashtau in Sanskrit, are nearly identical; and it is even possible that the lesser deviations in the pronunciation of these words demanded no great interval of time.

Translated into Portuguese, they were re-translated from the Portuguese into Italian by Ramusio, who searched for but failed to obtain a copy of the original in Latin. This original was first published in 1723 by the Abbe Oliva of Paris under the title P. BRACCIOLINI, DE VARIETATE FORTUNAE, LIBER QUATUOR. Nicolo, on reaching India, visited first the city of Cambaya in Gujarat.