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-Vivas ut possis, quando non quis ut velis-. The comedy is the oldest of Terence's, and was exhibited by the theatrical authorities on the recommendation of Caecilius. The gentle expression of gratitude is characteristic. Eurip. In the prologue of the -Heauton Timorumenos- he puts the objection into the mouth of his censors:

"Deh quando to sarai tornato al mondo, E riposato de la lunga via, Seguitò 'l terzo spirito al secondo, Ricorditi di me che son la Pia: Siena mi ; disfecemi Maremma; Salsi colui che 'nnanellata pria Disposando m' avea con la sua gemma." Sienna was my place of birth, The Marshes of my death. This knoweth he, Who placed upon my hand the spousal ring.

Augustine, "Antipodes esse fabulantur, id est, homines a contaria parte terrae, ubi sol oritur, quando occidit nobis, adversa pedibus nostris calcare vestigia, nulla ratione credendum est.

"Onorando padre, Considerando che quando fui in la armata di Barbaria alle Gierbe vi furono grate le nuove advisatevi giornalmente per lo illustre sig.

Per certo, padre mio, mala cosa dee essere questo diavolo, e veramente nimico di Iddio ché ancora all'inferno, non che altrui duole quando, egli v'è dentro rimesso. Disse Rustico: Figliuola, egli non averr

Why had he not thought of his intellectual gifts, his position in the world of art, before? No one in their senses could possibly accuse him in the way he had imagined! and even if the dagger-sheath were found, some explanation might be given, someone else might be found guilty . . . "Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra; Dum veneris judicare saeculum per ignem!" Again that horrible bell!

Ad usum illa instituta sunt, says Chemnitius, speaking of this decree, quando scilicet panis consecratur, et quando ad infirmos defertur, ut exhibeatur et sumatur. So that that which was specially respected in the decree, was adoring in the participation.

The seventh is quando: To do servile work upon the six days of labour, is good; but to do it upon the Lord’s Sabbath, is evil.

Then follows the confession that the tortoise is referred to. Such enigmas, moreover, were not wanting even among the Attic tragedians, who on that account were often and sharply taken to task by the Middle Comedy. "-Sic Ut quimus," aiunt, "quando ut volumus non licet-" in allusion to the line of Caecilius, which is, indeed, also imitated from a Greek proverb:

Numa Pompilius building churches. They point to a tower of three stories filled with tracery. Seventh side. Moses receiving the law. Inscribed: "QUANDO MOSE RECEVE LA LECE I SUL MONTE." Moses kneels on a rock, whence springs a beautifully fancied tree, with clusters of three berries in the centre of the three leaves, sharp and quaint, like fine Northern Gothic.