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When we measure the goodness or the badness of a human action, we must not only measure it by the object and the end, but by all the circumstances which accompany it. Fed. Morellus, upon those words of Seneca, Refert quid, cui, quando, quare, ubi, &c., saith, that without those circumstances of things, persons, times, places, facti ratio non constat.

Erik agreed to the contest, and the gage was deposited with Gunwar. So Gotwar began thus: "Quando tuam limas admissa cote bipennem, Nonne terit tremulas mentula quassa nates?" Erik rejoined: "Ut cuivis natura pilos in corpore sevit, Omnis nempe suo barba ferenda loco est. Re Veneris homines artus agitare necesse est; Motus quippe suos nam labor omnis habet.

"Quando si guarda a quella corretta eleganza di profili e di proporzioni, a quella squisitezza d'ornamenti, a quel certo sapore antico che senza ombra d' imitazione traspareda tutta l' opera" &c. "Sopra ornatissimo zoccolo fornito di squisiti intagli s' alza uno stylobate" &c.

Erat autem tertia feria Iulij mensis, quando hae Christianorum copiae, Deo protegente, huc nauigio angustiatis et obsessis ad opem collatae sunt.

Plures enim in anno non tenet solennitates, nisi si quando nuptias filij aut filiae celebrat.

"Quando fui desto da certi rumori Di buon sonagli ed allettar di cani" he began to blink; with the quick direction to the huntsman "Deh, vanne innanzi, presto Capellaio," he stifled a smile. But the calling of the hounds by their names broke down his guard. Angioletto shrilled them out in a high, boyish voice

They must also hear us vaunt the superiority of our own land in unpleasant comparisons, and I do not think they believe us, or like us, for our boastings. I am sure they would say to us, if they could, "Quando finira mai quella guerra?

"O rus, quando to aspiciam!" has been the cry of public men before and since Cicero's day, to whom, as to the great Roman, banishment from political life, and condemnation to perpetual leisure, would have been a sentence that would have crushed their very souls. He was very happy at this time in his family.

10 Præterea rex Scotiæ & barones sui prænominati assecurauerunt, quod ipsa bona fide, & sine malo ingenio, & sine occasione facient vt episcopi & barones & cæteri homines terræ suæ, qui non affuerunt quando rex Scotiæ cum domino rege finiuit: eandem ligiantiam & fidelitatem domino regi & Henrico filio suo quam ipsi fecerunt, & vt barones, & homines qui affuerunt obsides, Liberabunt domino regi de quibus habere voluerit.

The decima he now started to sing related to his early experiences, and swaying his body from side to side and bending forward until his beard was all over his knees he began in his raucous voice: En el ano mil ochocientos y quarenta, Quando citaron todos los enrolados, which, roughly translated, means: Eighteen hundred and forty was the year When all the enrolled were cited to appear.