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But to return to what I was saying before I began to make mention of our Blind Organist, what we have deliver'd touching the causes of the several Forms or Asperity that may Diversifie the Surfaces of Colour'd Bodies, may perchance somewhat assist us to make some Conjectures in the general, at several of the ways whereby 'tis possible for the Experiments hereafter to be mention'd, to produce the suddain changes of Colours that are wont to be Consequent upon them; for most of these Phænomena being produc'd by the Intervention of Liquors, and these for the most part abounding with very Minute, Active, and Variously Figur'd Saline Corpuscles, Liquors so Qualify'd may well enough very Nimbly after the Texture of the Body they are imploy'd to Work upon, and so may change the form of Asperity, and thereby make them Remit to the Eye the Light that falls on them, after another manner than they did before, and by that means Vary the Colour, so farr forth as it depends upon the Texture or Disposition of the Seen Parts of the Object, which I say, Pyrophilus, that you may not think I would absolutely exclude all other ways of Modifying the Beams of Light between their Parting from the Lucid Body, and their Reception into the common Sensory.

Much I fear'd, that as I was taken by her ladyship to wait upon her person, I should be quite destitute again, and forc'd to return to you and my poor mother, who have enough to do to maintain yourselves; and, as my lady's goodness had put me to write and cast accounts, and made me a little expert at my needle, and otherwise qualify'd above my degree, it was not every family that could have found a place that your poor Pamela was fit for.

And as for the Cartesians I need not tell you, that they, supposing the Sensation of Light to bee produc'd by the Impulse made upon the Organs of Sight, by certain extremely Minute and Solid Globules, to which the Pores of the Air and other Diaphanous bodies are pervious, endeavour to derive the Varieties of Colours from the Various Proportion of the Direct Progress or Motion of these Globules to their Circumvolution or Motion about their own Centre, by which Varying Proportion they are by this Hypothesis suppos'd qualify'd to strike the Optick Nerve after several Distinct manners, so to produce the perception of Differing Colours.

Nor, probably, would even the example of a Mother herself who was thus qualify'd, and likewise understood, as is afore-said, her Religion, be any great incouragement to her Daughters to imitate her example, but the contrary.

Nor is this all, for as a great many of these Solunarian Church-Men had no affection to this new Prince, but were not equally furnished, or qualify'd for Martyrdom with their Brethren; they went to certain Wise Men, who being cunning at splitting Hairs, and making distinctions, might perhaps furnish them with some mediums between Loyalty and Disloyalty; they apply'd themselves with great dilligence to these Men, and they by deep Study, and long Search, either found or made the quaintest Device for them that ever was heard of.

Twelfthly, To satisfie my self, whether the Motion introduc'd into the Stone did generate the Light upon the account of its producing Heat there, I held it near the Flame of a Candle, till it was qualify'd to shine pretty well in the Dark, and then immediately I apply'd a slender Hair to try whether it would attract it, but found not that it did so; though if it were made to shine by Rubbing, it was as I formerly noted Electrical.

Eumolpus pursuing his humour, when the boy fill'd him a glass, "I had rather," said he, "be in possession of thee, than the whole bagnio"; and greedily drinking it off, "the heat I've been in," added he, "made this the pleasantest draught I ever took: For to deal freely with ye, I narrowly scap'd a beating, for attempting, when I was in the bath, to deliver my thoughts of it in verse: And after I was turn'd out of the bagnio, as I us'd to be out of the theatre; I search'd every place, crying as loud as I cou'd, 'Encolpius, Encolpius. A naked youth that had lost his cloaths, as strongly echo'd back to me, 'Gito, Gito': The boys, believing me mad, ridicul'd me with their mimikry: But the other was attended with a great concourse of people, that with an awful admiration prais'd the youth: For nature had so largely qualify'd him for a lover, his body seem'd but as the skirt of the mighty member it bore: A lusty rogue!

L s excellent Treatise of Education, he shews how early and how great a Watchfulness and Prudence are requisite to the forming the Mind of a Child to Vertue; and whoso shall read what he has writ on that Subject, will, it is very likely, think that few Mothers are qualify'd for such an undertaking as this: But that they are not so is the Fault which should be amended: In the mean time nevertheless, their presum'd willingness to be in the right, where the Happiness of their Children is concerned in it, must certainly inable them, if they were but once convinc'd that this was their Duty, to perform it much better than such People will do, who have as little Skill and Ability for it as themselves; and who besides, that they rarely desire to learn any more than they have, are not induc'd by Affection to do for those under their care all the Good that they can.

The Wind being at N.W. it froze very hard, which prepar'd such a Night's Lodging for me, that I never desire to have the like again; the wet Bedding and freezing Air had so qualify'd our Bodies, that in the Morning when we awak'd, we were nigh frozen to Death, until we had recruited our selves before a large Fire of the Indians.

Sixthly, If you take a Diaphanous Body, as for instance a Piece of Glass, and reduce it to Powder, the same Body, which when it was Entire, freely Transmitted the Beams of Light, acquiring by Contusion a multitude of Minute Surfaces, each of which is as it were a Little, but Imperfect Speculum, is qualify'd to Reflect in a Confus'd manner, so many either Beams, or Little and Singly Unobservable Images of the Lucid Body, that from a Diaphanous it Degenerates into a White Body.