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Purvis's knowledge of the currents was probably well known, and it was safe to follow his lead: the boat and the men in it were clear enough to see now. But what in the name of Heaven was Purvis doing!

'Ross is not at home, I suppose? he said, sitting down beside Peter in the shade and removing his hat. The hat always left a painful-looking red line on Mr. Purvis's forehead, and it was removed whenever he sat down. The surprising thing was that he should ever have worn such an uncomfortable headgear. 'Oh, good morning, Purvis! said Peter. 'No, Ross is not about, I think. Did you want him?

He said that the note that had reached him was all part of Purvis's horrible sensationalism and his lies, and that no earthly notice should be taken of it; also, that it would be sheer madness to risk his own life and his friends' for this contemptible fellow.

He will put Purvis's back up, and that'll enlist the difficult grocer on our side probably." When Challis had gone, Elmer stood for a few minutes, thoughtfully scratching the ample red surface of his wide, clean-shaven cheek. "I don't know," he ejaculated at last, addressing his empty study, "I don't know."

Buck followed the direction of Purvis's eyes and saw Kate sitting on a rock at a little distance from the shanty in which she lived with her father. She made a pitiful figure, her chin cupped in her hand, and her eyes staring fixedly down the valley. He was recalled from her by the general laughter of the outlaws.

'Oh, the fire was accidental enough, said Peter, 'and was found to be due to some electric lighting which was put into the tower. 'Purvis's visit to England must have been to ascertain if Mrs.

Till Holdsworth left his parish under my charge the other day for six weeks, I have exercised no office of my ministry, as you know that Mr. Purvis's tone with me cut me off from anything that could seem like meddling with him. I never felt more grateful to any man than I did when Holdsworth made the proposal.

Wire to me all particulars, and be so good as to convey to him that we are anxious to do the right thing by him. I should not like him to feel, for instance, that the fact of his existence was any cause of resentment with any of us. 'It is he, perhaps, who will feel resentment, said Purvis. 'Perhaps, said Peter, resisting an inclination to speed Purvis's departure.

'We must be near the canning-factory at La Dorada. The horrible smell of the slaughter-house was borne to them on the river, and there were some big corrals close by the water, and a small wharf. 'It reminds me, thought Toffy, 'of the beastly beef-tea which I have had to drink all my life. 'Good heavens! cried Ross, 'they are firing the wharf! Purvis's chances are small if this is their game.

'We will land here on our way back, and get some horses, and ride over to the estancia in the morning. The settlement was the last place on the river where Purvis's steamer plied, and there was a small jetty piled with wheat waiting to be taken away. Here the river was broader and much shallower, with stakes of wood set in its bed to show the passage which the little steamer should take.