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"The great 'regales, majora regalia, are those which belong to the King, jure singulari et proprio, and which are incommunicable to another, considering that they cannot be divorced from the scepter, being the attributes of sovereignty, such as... the making of laws, the interpretation or change of these, the last appeal from the decisions of magistrates, the creation of offices, the declaration of war or of peace,... the coining of money, the augmentation of titles or of values, the imposition of taxes on the subjects,... the exemption of certain persons from these, the award of pardon for crimes,... the creation of nobles, the foundation of universities,... the assembling of the etats-generaux or provinciaux, etc."

The most lively of his pieces are Le Collateral and la Petite Ville. In the course of last month, he produced one under the name of La Grande Ville, ou les Provinciaux a Paris, which occasioned a violent uproar. The characters of this pseudo-comedy are swindlers or fools; and the spectators insisted that the portraits were either too exact a copy of the originals, or not at all like them.

Its architecture was of the early American style, and possessed the high art of simplicity. It was solid, not gingerbreadesque. Primeval American art has a rude dignity, far better than the sham splendors of our mediaeval and transition period. Our new friends, luxurious fellows, had been favored by Fate with a French-Canadian cook, himself a Three of Freres Provinciaux. Such was his reputation.