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"Bit off to-night, Bill. Cold house." "Not 'arf," replied his colleague. "Gave me the shivers." "Wonder how his nibs'll go." Evidently he referred to the Grand Duke. "Oh, 'e's all right. They eat his sort of swank. Seems to me the profession's going to the dogs, what with these bloomin' amytoors an' all. Got the 'airbrush, 'Arry?" Harry, a tall, silent Zouave, handed over the hairbrush.

He that is proud, soon in the dirt will lie, But honour followeth humility. Let each then count his brother as his better, Let each esteem himself another's debtor. Christ bids us learn of him, humble to be, Profession's beauty is humility.

The answer of a good conscience will carry a man through hell to heaven. Count these slanders part of thy sufferings, and those for which God will give thee a reward, because thou art innocent, and for that they are laid upon thee for thy profession's sake. But if thou be guilty, look to thyself; I am no comforter of such.

He succeeded "won out" "won out" with his cases, which was his profession's business, and "won out" with his happiness and hers, which was his life's business. The theater is the highest form of combined education, amusement, and repose which human intelligence has yet invented. It was so in Greece, and it is so now. The theater occasionally is good for you.

In those three years he had not been disappointing. He had contributed steadily to the sum of the profession's knowledge, for he worked in little by-paths as well as on his central thing, and he himself felt, though he said but little, that he was coming nearer and nearer the goal he had set for himself. His place in the university was an enviable one.

I showed how cudgels were applied; but surely, the meek object of persecution hit no blows in return. The beating did not hurt much, and the person assaulted could afford to keep his good-humor; indeed, I admired that brave though illogical little actress, of the T. R. D-bl-n, for her fiery vindication of her profession's honor.

"Your views about young Le Breton," I must say to him, "are unfortunately only too well founded; and I have been compelled to dismiss him this very hour from Pilbury Grammar School." Ugh how humiliating! the profession's really enough to give one a perfect sickening of life altogether!

Or if he is by any chance moved to wrath, there is nothing disagreeable or sullen about it; it entertains and amuses merely. As to pain, he has less of that to endure than anybody, one of his profession's recommendations and privileges being just that immunity. He has neither money, house, slave, wife, nor children those hostages to Fortune. He desires neither fame, wealth, nor beauty. Tyc.

Let faith then be exercised upon Christ crucified for my justification, and hope upon the next world for my glorification; and let love show the truth of faith in Christ, by acts of kindness to Christ and his people; and patience, the truth of hope, by a quiet bearing and enduring that which may now be laid upon me for my sincere profession's sake, until the hope that is laid up for us in heaven shall come to us, or we be gathered to that, and then hope is in some measure in good order, and exercised well.

"Sawney's got the chance," he thought, as he paced up and down the platform; "Sawney's got the trump cards this time; and if he's knave enough to play them against me But I don't think he'll do that; our profession's a conservative one, and a traitor would have an uncommon good chance of being kicked out of it.