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Again and again I read over the entire letter; never truly did a nisi prius lawyer con over a new act of parliament with more searching ingenuity, to detect its hidden meaning, than did I to unravel through its plain phraseology the secret intention of the writer towards me.

"That's right!" said Sir Mallaby Marlowe. "Work while you're young, Sam, work while you're young." He regarded his son's bent head with affectionate approval. "What's the book to-day?" "Widgery on Nisi Prius Evidence," said Sam, without looking up. "Capital!" said Sir Mallaby. "Highly improving and as interesting as a novel some novels.

which, if this is a fair sample, is very likely true. Below the prologue the writer has added the couplet: Th' old wits are gone: looke for noe new thing by us, For nullum est jam Dictum quod non sit dictum prius. The other play is preserved in a Bodleian manuscript, and is entitled 'The Arcadian Lovers, or the Metamorphosis of Princes. 'The name of the author, writes Mr.

See also Mueller's Dorians, vol. ii. p. 41. Pueros puberos neque prius in urbem redire quam viri facti essent. Justin, iii. 3. When Themistocles sought to extort tribute from the Andrians, he said, "I bring with me two powerful gods Persuasion and Force." "And on our side," was the answer, "are two deities not less powerful Poverty and Despair!"

John, who was considered to be one of the best nisi prius advocates at the bar, and who carried the methods of the bar largely into his politics. In the course of time he became attorney-general of the province, and later on a judge of the supreme court. Mr. Wetmore, when haranguing St. John audiences, used to depict the dreadful effects of confederation in a manner peculiarly his own.

In all these matters we must seek for the reasons, and in this manner endeavour to understand their truth as well as error. Whether or not I have succeeded in proving that the world is rational, and that mind is the prius of matter, I must leave to the decision of the Horseherd and his friends.

"Do I know ! Why, I was reading my Widgery on Nisi Prius Evidence when you came in." "Oh, were you?" said Billie, interested. "Do you always read on the floor?" "I told you I dropped my pen," said Sam coldly. "And of course you couldn't read without that! Well, as a matter of fact, this has nothing to do with Nisi what you said." "I have not specialised exclusively on Nisi Prius Evidence.

There were two or three men at the meeting whose good opinion was worth more than all the votes of Lick Creek to one beginning life: Stephen T. Logan, a young lawyer who had recently come from Kentucky with the best equipment for a nisi prius practitioner ever brought into the State; Major Stuart, whom we have met in the Black Hawk war, once commanding a battalion and then marching as a private; and William Butler, afterwards prominent in State politics, at that time a young man of the purest Western breed in body and character, clear-headed and courageous, and ready for any emergency where a friend was to be defended or an enemy punished.

I have been in the witness-box, exposed to the licensed badgering and privileged impertinence of a lawyer, winked, leered, frowned, and sneered at with all the long-practised tact of a nisi prius torturer; I have stood before the cold, fish-like, but searching eye of a prefect of police, as he compared my passport with my person, and thought he could detect a discrepancy in both, but I never felt the same sense of total exposure as when glanced at by the half-cautious, half-prying look of a worthy father or mother, in a family where there are daughters to marry, and "nobody coming to woo."

Facts do not often exactly repeat themselves in practice; but cases with comparatively small variations from each other do. A judge who has long sat at nisi prius ought gradually to acquire a fund of experience which enables him to represent the common sense of the community in ordinary instances far better than an average jury.