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But one half o'th world doesn't know how tother lives. My husban' lay ill i' bed three year; an' he suffered to that degree that he was weary o' life long before it were o'er. At after we lost him, these bad times coom on, an' neaw, aw think we're poo'd deawn as nee to th' greawnd as ony body can be.

When they geet how'd ont, Robin said, 'Neaw lads; afore yo starten: Mind what yo'r doin; an' be as ginger as yo con. That's a thing 'at's soon thrut eawt o' gear it's a organ. So they hove, an' poo'd, an' grunted, an' thrutch't, till they geet it set down i'th parlour; an' they pretended to be quite knocked up wi' th' job.

The collier's wife was a decent, good-tempered- looking woman, though her face was pale and worn, and bore evidence of the truth of her words, when she said, "Bless your life, aw'm poo'd to pieces wi' these childer!" She sat upon a stool, nursing a child at the breast, and doing her best to still the tumult of the others, who were fluttering about noisily.

At all events, it would seem to have been a very aggravating law of nature on the present occasion, for John Watt frowned and growled to himself as he put on another bait. "There's a bite!" exclaimed Joe Dumsby, with a look of doubt, at the same time feeling his line. "Poo'd in then," said Watt ironically. "No, 'e's hoff," observed Joe. "Hm! he never was on," muttered Watt.

'Then they poo'd us apart, an' said we mutn't feight among th' machinery, so we geet up an' agreed to feight it aat i' th' Far Holme meadow that neet, an' we did.

"I turn't at that, for John's a queer ane when he tak's it intil's head, but the lassies poo'd me oot th' door and in twa-three meenits we were at the ha'. Fat a crushin' a fechtin' the get in. The bobby at the door saw me savin' that we'd no ha' got in. But the bobby kens me fine I've bailed John oot twice, for a guinea ilka time, and they recognize steady customers there like anywheres else!

At all events, it would seem to have been a very aggravating law of nature on the present occasion, for John Watt frowned and growled to himself as he put on another bait. "There's a bite!" exclaimed Joe Dumsby, with a look of doubt, at the same time feeling his line. "Poo'd in then," said Watt ironically. "No, 'e's hoff," observed Joe. "Hm! he never was on," muttered Watt.

'He geet rheumatic fayver six year sin', when he poo'd it aat o' Green Fowd Lodge; and now he's getten welly worried to deeath by savin' it fro' that bull-terrier o' Oliver's o' Deaf Martha's. 'Ay! they'n welly done for us both this time, hevn't they, Captain? faintly said Moses, addressing the dog, and extending his hand wearily for a canine caress. 'But aar time 'll come.