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It was in substance as follows: “Is it the pleasure of the Fathers that the Œcumenical Council of the Vatican should be opened, and should be declared open for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity, the custody and declaration of the faith and of the Catholic religion; for the condemnation of errors which are widely spreading, and the correction of clergy and people?” The council replied unanimously placet.

Nunc vos, si vobis placet, Et si placuimus neque odio fuimus, signum hoc mittite; Qui pudicitiae esse voltis praemium, plausum date! We see here the opinion entertained regarding the Greek comedy by the party of moral reform; and it may be added, that even in those rarities, moral comedies, the morality was of a character only adapted to ridicule innocence more surely.

Nunc vos, si vobis placet, Et si placuimus neque odio fuimus, signum hoc mittite; Qui pudicitiae esse voltis praemium, plausum date! We see here the opinion entertained regarding the Greek comedy by the party of moral reform; and it may be added, that even in those rarities, moral comedies, the morality was of a character only adapted to ridicule innocence more surely.

Adde huc, si placet, unguentarios, saltatores, totumque ludum talarium. Quibus autem artibus aut prudentia maior inest, aut non mediocris utilitas quaeritur, ut medicina, ut architectura, ut doctrina rerum honestarum, eae sunt iis, quorum ordini conveniunt, honestae.

PULCHRITUDINEM: κοσμον; Cic. translates it by ornatus in Acad. 2, 119 where hic ornatus corresponds to hic mundus a little earlier. TUENTUR: see n. on 77 tuerentur. SERVABITIS: future for imperative. A. 269, f; G. 265, 1; H. 487, 4. CYRUS etc.: see n. on 78. SI PLACET: cf. n. on 6 nisi molestum est. NOSTRA: = Romana = domestica in 12.

By temperament and habit he was an aristrocrat placet Hispana nobilitas he confessed, admitting also that de populo nil mihi curæ, yet he sided with the comuneros against the Crown.

Subj. after donec. So faciat below. See note, 1. Hic habitus, sc. ferreum annulum, cf. 17. Plurimis==permultis, Rit. Placet. Antithetic to ignominiosum genti. Nova. Al. torva. Strange, unusual. Mansuescunt. Primarily said of wild beasts, accustomed to the hand of man or tamed. So immanis, not handled, wild, savage.

Whatever I undertake, I owe a sacrifice to the Graces, as Plutarch says of some one, to conciliate their favour: "Si quid enim placet, Si quid dulce horninum sensibus influit, Debentur lepidis omnia Gratiis."

The theorist must come forward with an affectation of modesty, as into the presence of competent critics; he must only expose his wares, win for himself a hearing, and then humbly wait for the placet of the sovereign people. But plainly this is merely a conventional homage to a theory that no serious mind really believes in.

Brut. 122 nobis vero placet, ut pro Bruto etiam respondeam; Lael. 32 tu vero perge, pro hoc enim respondeo A 317, c, H 499, 2, n. SENES FIERI: if the infinitive had depended on speramus alone and volumus had not intervened, Cicero would probably have written nos futuros esse senes.