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They have some lovely peaches at Picker's, but papa won't hear of my trading at Picker's any more." Missy thought it silly of her father to have curtailed trading at Picker's she missed Arthur's daily visit to the kitchen door with the delivery-basket merely because Mr. Picker had beaten father for election on the Board of Aldermen.

It all began with the day Arthur Simpson "dared" Tess to ride her pony into Picker's grocery store. Before Tess had come to live in the sanitarium at the edge of town where her father was head doctor, she had lived in Macon City and had had superior advantages city life, to Missy, a Cherryvalian from birth, sounded exotic and intriguing. Then Tess in her nature was far from ordinary.

Father explained it was a larger issue than party politics; even had Picker been a Republican he'd have fought him, he said, for everyone knew Picker was abetting the Waterworks graft. But Missy didn't see why that should keep him from buying things from Picker's which mother really needed; mother said it was "cutting off your nose to spite your face."

When filled it was emptied in a pick-basket, holding with a little packing fifty or sixty pounds. This small basket was kept in the picker's vicinity, being moved forward whenever the sack was taken back for emptying.

Time dragged on her hands, and Satan found the mischief though Missy devoutly believed that it was the Lord answering her prayer. She was idling at the front-parlour window when she saw Picker's delivery wagon stop at the gate. She hurried back to the kitchen, telling herself that Marguerite shouldn't be disturbed at her washtubs. So she herself let Arthur in.