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Leto's offspring and Zeus'; who, in anger against Agamemnon, Issued the pestilence dire, and the leaguer was swept with destruction; For that the King had rejected, and spurn'd from the place in dishonour Chryses, the priest of the God, when he came to the warrior-galleys, Willing to rescue his daughter with plentiful gifts of redemption, Bearing the fillet divine in his hands of the Archer Apollo Twined on the sceptre of gold: and petition'd the host of Achaia, Foremost of all the Atreidæ, the twain that were chief in dominion: "Hear, ye Atreidæ! and hear, ye Achaians, resplendent in armour!

Silently Thetis approach'd him and sate by his side; and the Goddess, Grasping his knees with her left, and caressing his chin with the right hand, Earnestly lifted her voice, and petition'd the King Everlasting: "Father! if ever of old I was helpful to thee among Godheads, Either in word or in deed, let the boon that I crave be conceded Honour deny not to him whom I bore to mortality fore-doom'd Earliest far of mankind; for the Sov'reign of men, Agamemnon, Basely dishonours my son, and has seiz'd and possesses his guerdon.

But to the galleys anon of the brass-clad sons of Achaia, Journey'd in sorrow her father, the grayhair'd priest of Apollo, Eager to ransom the maiden, and bearing a bountiful ransom. Holding the fillet divine in his hands of the Archer Apollo, Twin'd on the sceptre of gold, he petition'd the host of Achaia Foremost of all the Atreidæ, the twain that are chief in dominion.

At Court, as I have learn'd, there is neither Envy nor Detraction, no one undermines another, nor intercepts the Prince's Bounty or Favour by slandrous Reports; and neither Interest, Riches, nor Quality, but Merit only recommends the Candidate to a Post: A Bribe was never heard of there; which, together with the exact Justice practised, is the Reason that a Minister, after Twelve or Fourteen Years, shall die not a Doit richer than he was at the Entrance upon his Office: Nay, I've been told, that a Paymaster General of the Army, after he had past his Accounts before the Grand Council of the Nation, with a general Applause, found his Patrimony so impoverish'd by his Charity to Soldiers Widows, he was oblig'd to turn Merchant for his Support; but being unfortunate, he petition'd for a small Government.