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The priests succeeded in changing their clerical costume, but not in sufficiently disguising themselves, for M. Petit saw four of his companions shot at the first barricade they reached; he therefore fled back to his prison, and, finding a common prison shirt, he reduced his costume to that garments and took refuge in a bed in the hospital ward.

We return to the Boulevard Henry IV. and cross to the Quai des Célestins, where on our L. stands part of a tower of the Bastille, discovered in 1899 during the construction of the Metropolitan Railway and transferred here. At the corner of the Rue du Petit Musc opposite, is the fine Hôtel Fieubert, erected by Hardouin Mansard on part of the site of the Royal Hôtel St. Paul.

These were nearly all killed, or severely wounded. Of the Whigs, Lieutenant Elliott was killed, and Captain Petit, who had been sent in advance by Major Davie to examine the lane, the ford of the creek and the houses, and failing to do so, as carefully as was proper, paid the penalty of neglect of duty by being wounded with two of his men.

Joyselle patted her affectionately on the back. "Oui, oui, my femme, I am hungry. But Théo to-night I am a wizard. I will grant you any wish you may have in your heart." "Any wish " "Pauvre petit, tell him not that, Victor, my man. What would the poor angel desire but the impossible?" Théo stood silently looking at them.

He had approved of what the Sheik had done, would have done it himself if he had been able. They were all alike. "The man who was hurt first," she asked abruptly, with a touch of her old hauteur in her voice, "is he dead?" "Oh no, Madame. He has concussion but he will be all right. They have hard heads, these Arabs." "And Yusef?" Gaston grinned. "Le petit Sheik has a broken collar-bone.

Our Minister, as you call him, goes on very well, but he is now a widower a second time; his Lady set out for Paris last Saturday. I hope he will not be undermined. The King will never have a servant that will please the public more. I dine with him often a petit convert at March's.

The layman's mind is usually at sea when it comes to discussing a complicated affection of the nervous system like epilepsy. You are more or less right in your definition of petit mal. But that is the simple form, without complications. In this case there are complications, in my opinion. I should say that this young man's attack was combined with the form of epilepsy known as furor epilepticus."

We were as children in those days," he put in half-apologetically, "and it was her fête. Bien, we started. Le petit Cinders went with us, and almost before we had entered he ran away. We followed him, for Christine was very anxious. I had never been beyond the second cavern myself, and we had only one lantern.

At the end of the piece, the principal artists of the opera executed a ballet which was considered very fine. When the play was over, their Majesties commenced a promenade in the park of the Petit- Trianon, the Emperor, hat in hand, giving his arm to the Empress, and being followed by all his court.

"To think of my having just ordered two pairs of white trousers." The tout petit bourgeois palpitates in both these sketches. I must repeat that it is absurd to pick half a dozen at hazard, out of five thousand; yet a few selections are the only way to call attention to his strong drawing. This has a virtuosity of its own, for all its hit-or-miss appearance.