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MacDonald threw open the breech of his single-loader and drew out a cartridge as long as his finger. Replacing it, he snapped the breech shut. "Don't know as I'm pertic'lar sad over what's happened," he said, with a curious look at Aldous. "We might have got out of this without what you call strenu'us trouble. Now it's fight!

The craft he was piloting down was loaded with a miscellaneous collection of household effects and a couple of sad eyed hounds were the man's only companions. Paul quickly observed all this as he pulled up and heard the boatman's remark. Reaching the side of the boat, he asked: "How far are you going down, stranger?" "Ain't pertic'lar how fur so as I git outen this country.

Think because there's a donkey-engine on deck and a riggin' to hoist your big sails, ye don't re'lly need men for'ard at all. "That v'y'ge out in pertic'lar I remember that there was two weeks on a stretch that not a soul aboard had more'n an hour's undisturbed sleep. And that dog!

And to show that the new West, ladies and gentlemen, is right up to the minute in this as in every other pertic'lar, we offer Wonota, daughter of Chief Totantora, princess of the Osage Indians, in a rifle-shooting act that, ladies and gentlemen, is simply marv'lous simply marv'lous!"

Whose horse is that out 'n the corral?" The girl looked at him witheringly. "I don't know as it's any of your pertic'lar business, but I don't mind tellin' you that horse b'longs to a gentleman!" "A gentleman," sneered Parker. "Yes, a gentleman; if you don't know what that is you'd better look in the dictionary. You won't find out by lookin' in the lookin'-glass, I can tell you that."

Owner's business, or not, I sung out to the second to get his boat out and I kicked off my shoes, grabbed a life-ring, and jumped myself." "You! Uncle Amazon?" gasped his niece. "Yep. The mate had the deck and I was the only man free. There wasn't much of a sea runnin', anyway. No pertic'lar danger. That is, not commonly.

'Is there anything you would like particularly for your breakfast? Mrs Fuller enquired. 'Hain't no way pertic'lar, said Uncle Eb. 'I gen rally eat buckwheat pancakes an' maple sugar with a good strong cup o'tea. Mrs Fuller left the room a moment. 'Dunno but I'll go out if the barn a minnit 'n take a look at the hosses, he said when she came back.

"If people would let us alone," remarked Lina, "we could enjoy ourselves every day." "But grown folks got to be so pertic'lar with you all time," cried Jimmy, "they don't never want us to play together." He led the way up the ladder, followed by Frances and Billy; and Lina brought up the rear. The children ran the long length of the porch leaving their footprints on the fresh, sticky paint.

"Friends, I presume, sirs?" he asked, glancing keenly from man to man. "Reckon so," admitted Bolderwood. "Where is Colonel Allen?" "If you don't mind waitin' with us I shouldn't be s'prised if ye see him 'fore long," declared the long-legged scout. "Wanter see him pertic'lar?" "I do," the stranger admitted. "You are the advance guard of our boys, I presume?"

"I'll fetch him roun' this evenin' 'bout three o'clock," said the visitor, rising. "I mus' hurry back now an' keep him comp'ny. Tell Rena ter put on her bes' bib an' tucker; for Mr. Wain is pertic'lar too, an' I've already be'n braggin' 'bout her looks."