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Rules are laid down for the punishment of those who do confess. And here we digress from Eymeric and Pena, in order to describe, from additional authority, of what this torture consisted, and probably, still consists, in Italy. Limborch collects this information from Juan de Rojas, inquisitor at Valencia.

"`Swear then, Tiburcio, to avenge your father! continued the dying woman. `Swear it, and I promise to make you as rich as the proudest in the land; rich enough to bend to your wishes the most powerful even the daughter of Augustin Pena, for whom your passion has not escaped me. This day you may aspire to her hand without being deemed foolish; for I tell you, you are as rich as her own father.

Be sure and be in your saddles early enough to catch all wild cattle out on the prairies. If you want to, you can take a lunch in your pocket for breakfast. No; you need no blankets you'll get up earlier if you sleep cold." Taking José Pena and Pasquale Arispe with me, I struck off on our course in the gathering twilight.

The archbishop forcibly took from the fathers of the Society the administration of the village of Cainta and Jesus de la Peña, and gave it to the Augustinian fathers thus revenging himself on those of the Society, whom he regarded as enemies; and for this cause he commanded them to tear down their buildings at Jesus de la Peña, to the foundations the governor aiding him in this atrocious act, contrary to the laws and privileges of the royal patronage.

We had part of the kitchen to sleep in, and were so tired, and getting so accustomed to sleep anywhere, that we had a good night's rest, rose early next morning, and were soon on the road again, leaving Rito to bring on the lamed horse. We had a good view of the rock of San Lorenzo, a high cliff capping a hill, and resembling the rocks of Cuapo and Pena Blanca, but with less perpendicular sides.

"Don Augustin Pena proprietor of the Hacienda del Venado." A ray of joy lit up the countenance of the unknown. "I am able," he said, "to furnish Don Augustin with all the information he may desire. How many days' journey is it from hence to the hacienda?" "Three days' journey, with a good horse."

I believe this story to have been a pure fabrication, but I feel perfectly certain that Estevanez knew beforehand that the crime was to be attempted. Speaking of Estevanez, I recall also Bonafoux, whom I saw frequently. According to Gonzalez de la Pena, the painter, he held my versatility against me. "Bonafoux," remarked Pena, "feels that you are too versatile and too volatile." "Indeed?

Shortly after joining company "D" I was sent out on scouting duty with another company of the regiment to Camp La Pena, about sixty or seventy miles east of Fort Duncan, in a section of country that had for some time past been subjected to raids by the Lipan and Comanche Indians.

Well it was that the boat was equipped with four boatmen, for the current ran very swift off the high hills, and contained several rapids where two of the men yes, and once all four of them had to shove with poles. They constantly chewed sections of sugar-cane cut from an armful that had been tossed in at Peña Blanca.

There were many other paths leading in different directions into the forest, and I shall describe one of them, as it differed from those already mentioned, leading to the top of a bare rock, rising fully 1000 feet above Santo Domingo. This rock, on the southern and most perpendicular side, weathers to a whitish colour, and is called Pena Blanca, meaning the white peak.