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At the last minute I leaned out of the car winder and sez with a choken voice: "Josiah, if we never meet again on Jonesville sile, remember there is a place where partin's and steam engines are no more."

I feel as if the Lord would call me soon, sooner than you think for now; and, at first, you'll cry, and be sore vexed, no doubt; but Miss Emily will take you with her, and she'll tell you blessed things to comfort you; how we shall all meet again and be happy in that world where there's no partin's; and Willie'll do everything he can to help you in your sorrer; and in time you'll be able to smile again.

The breakfast-table still stood in the room. The old grandma a-settin' there still; time had dulled her vision for lookin' forward. She wuz a-lookin' into the past, into the realm that had held so many partin's for her, and mebby lookin' way over the present into the land of meetin's. The little girl with her hand on the old dog is too small to fully realize what it all means.

But it had to be. Our life here on this planet is made up of meetin's and partin's. It is hail and farewell with us from the cradle to the grave. We all retired early, bein' tired out, and we slept well, little thinkin' of the ghastly shape that would meet us on the thresholt of the new day.

He reread the letter three times with exceeding care, his eyes narrowing to mere slits, then thrust it into an inner pocket. He was very thoughtful on the homeward ride, his preoccupied air at the supper table emboldening Punk to irreverent levity: "These yeah partin's are shore deespiritin' things!" he observed, lugubriously, to nobody in particular.