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At this point the sorters begin their twofold task. First they remove the layers of mother-of-pearl, which are known in the industry by the names legitimate silver, bastard white, or bastard black, and these are shipped out in cases weighing 125 to 150 kilograms. Then they remove the oyster's meaty tissue, boil it, and finally strain it, in order to extract even the smallest pearls."

He's always ridden first-class, and he won't believe there's anybody worth knowing in the thirds." "You think he's like that?" she asked thoughtfully. "You can see it for yourself. There's no better fellow, no better friend, but, hang it, an oyster's got a broader mind." "I like broad minds." "Then you'll like Quis " "Absolutely you shan't mention that name again.

The pearl is, in fact, a little globe of the smooth, glossy substance yielded by the oyster's beard; yielded ordinarily to smooth the narrow home to which his nature binds him, but yielded in round drops, real pearly tears, if he is hurt.

Up-to-date vessels engaged in that work have a vat of boiling water on deck, into which the tangle is plunged when it is pulled up from the bottom. This kills the starfish and is a great gain over the old system of picking them out of the tangle by hand. "But the worst of all the oyster's enemies," the director continued, "and the one on which I am working, is the oyster-drill.

The oyster's life, however satisfactory to the oyster, would leave him restless and bored. If you are a Socrates, you realize similarly that you could not FIND satisfaction in the fool's life. You know that although you have sorrows the fool wots not of, you also have a whole range of joys beyond his ken; and those joys are particularly precious to you.

But the little oyster knew better than all that; yes, she knew a thing or two, even though she was only a little oyster. Now Dr. Porpoise put a plaster on the little oyster's chest and a blister at her feet. He bade her eat nothing but a tiny bit of sea-foam on toast twice a day.

"I should as soon have thought of an oyster's falling in love as that being." "I own I should have sooner thought," replied the count, "of his falling in love with an oyster; and so would you, if you had seen him, as I did, devouring oysters on shipboard. "'Say, can the lovely heroine hope to vie With a fat turtle or a ven'son pie? "But that is not our affair; let the Lady Isabel look to it."

We don't want to move around any more than we absolutely have to until their rays are off of us, and we have no way of knowing how long that will be. Also, we'd better keep still. I don't know what kind of an audio system they've got, but there's no use taking unnecessary chances." "All x I'm an oyster's little sister," and for many minutes the two remained motionless and silent.

While the sunny afternoon slowly lengthened they paddled on through a now familiar country, passing Sporting Hill a famous place for bass about four o'clock, and reaching Oyster's Dam endeared by many boyish memories just an hour later.

You may have looked inside the shells and seen two delicate dark-edged fringes, known as the "beard." This fringe is the Oyster's gills or breathing arrangement. Trace the "beard" as far as the hinge of the shells, and you see the mouth with its white lips. If you could watch the creature having its dinner, you would see a constant stream of water flowing over the gills and towards the mouth.