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The young mens come in in few minutes and are well treat by Don Carlos and Doña Juana, for like them very much and are glad si the girls marry with them. "After supper I am turn down the bed in my señora's room when I hear somebody spik very low ou'side on the corridor.

Don Carlos Ybarra, the husband de my señora, is very reech and very brave and proud too brave and proud, ay, yi! We have a beeg adobe house with more than twenty rooms, and a corridor for the front more than one hundred feets. Ou'side are plenty other houses where make all the things was need for eat and wear: all but the fine closes. They come from far, from Boston and Mejico.

If you want to satisfy it for me in the Taft Grill just communicate your answer to the big-timber guide that brought this and oblige. Your friend, Marcia Meadow." "Tell her," he coughed "tell her that it will be quite all right. I'll meet her in front of the theatre." The big-timber guide smiled arrogantly. "I giss she meant for you to come roun' t' the stage door." "Where where is it?" "Ou'side.

Everybody do it all whatte they can for my poor señora, but she no want to speak by anybody, and go shut hersel up in a room in Don Enrique's house and jus moan and I sit ou'side the door and moan too. "Of course, I no am with the soldiers, but many times I hear all and I tell you. "The Indians have good start, and the white peoples no even see them, but they fine the trail and follow hard.

Tunayulef. Down ee alley." "What?" "Ou'side. Turn to y' left! Down ee alley!" The arrogant person withdrew. A freshman behind Horace snickered. Then half an hour later, sitting in the Taft Grill opposite the hair that was yellow by natural pigment, the prodigy was saying an odd thing.