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And yet whiles i' the nicht, although I'm sure I didna sleep a wink, I thocht I was fumblin' awa' at the lock o' the press an' cudna get it opened. And the press was a coffin set up upo' its en', an' I kent that there was a corp inside it, and yet I tried sair to open't.

If the a's waur than I imagine, it's gey bad, replied the little seamstress. 'Oh, Liz, I'm that gled to see you, I canna dae enough. 'I've been twice up your stair, Teen; once I knockit at the door an' then flew doon afore you could open't. Ye think ye've a hard time o't, but there's waur things than sewin' jackets at thirteenpence the dizen.

It was a picture. She shogit her heid frae side to side, wi' her moo shut, as if she wud never open't again; but efter a whilie she spat oot twa-three wirds, juist like's they'd been burnin' the tongue o' her. "A dog's tongue's nae scandal," she yattered oot. "Better the end o' a feast than the beginnin' o' a pley," said Mysie. "We mauna lat onybody get cankered.

Her hand shook, and for a moment she let the ball of paper lie there. "Open't up," cried Leeby, who was in the secret. "What 's't?" asked Hendry, drawing nearer. "It's juist a bit paper Jamie flung at me," said Jess, and then she unfolded it. "It's a five-pound note!" cried Hendry. "Na, na, oh keep us, no," said Jess; but she knew it was. For a time she could not speak.