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"But aunt Dina on't like 'oo, if oo've got an ugly bad eye." "But, Adolphus," said Lady Amelia, settling herself for an argument, "that's all very well, you know and I'm sure I'm very sorry to cause you any annoyance, but really one doesn't know how to pass over such a thing without speaking of it. I have had a letter from mamma." "I hope Lady de Courcy is quite well." "Quite well, thank you.

I saw we should have no more gardening if I let this sort of thing go on, so I quietly took the snail away, and put it on a bank where he couldn't reach it. "We'll hunt it afterwards, Bruno," I said, "if you really want to catch it. But what's the use of it when you've got it?" "What's the use of a fox when oo've got it?" said Bruno. "I know oo big things hunt foxes."

"Shall 'Ooo die Uncle Dolphus, 'cause 'oo've got a bad eye?" asked de Courcy Gazebee, the eldest hope of the family, looking up into his face. "No, my hero," said Crosbie, taking the boy up into his arms, "not because I've got a black eye. There isn't very much harm in that, and you'll have a great many before you leave school. But because the people will go on talking about it."

He groaned, but instantly added, with a chuckle, "As to myself, I think you mentioned that I am " "Oo're the Professor!" Bruno shouted in his ear. "Didn't oo know that? Oo've come from Outland! And it's ever so far away from here!" The Professor leapt to his feet with the agility of a boy. "Then there's no time to lose!" he exclaimed anxiously. Guileless peasant!" he proceeded in a louder voice.

"You don't see my children, Professor!" the Warden exclaimed, taking him by the shoulders and turning him round to face them. The Professor laughed violently: then he gazed at them through his great spectacles, for a minute or two, without speaking. At last he addressed Bruno. "I hope you have had a good night, my child?" Bruno looked puzzled. "I's had the same night oo've had," he replied.