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Never can I forget the expression on De Noyan's face as he listened. Incredulity changed to loathing, then to despair. As though the woman had snatched a mask from off her features he gazed now upon the demon soul revealed in all its hideousness. Instantly all that was physically beautiful became loathsome from the foulness within.

"He, with others, is held for treason against the King of Spain." "There are more than one, then?" "Five." He lowered his voice almost to a whisper. "Madame de Noyan's father is among them." "Lafrénière?" I uttered the name in astonishment. "Then why am I not asked to assist him?"

It certainly proved so with us that day, and De Noyan's high spirits found echo even in the grim Puritan, who, being at last convinced that he was not called upon to wrestle with demons from the pit, was as full of manly fight as the best of us.

Above, along the upper river, there are at least three other expeditions of Spanish soldiery. They are warned of De Noyan's escape, already guarding every junction. Suppose we succeeded which in itself would be a miracle in cutting our way out from here, could we hope to distance a twelve-oared boat racing against the current, or escape a clash with those others?

That hideous apparition dancing so madly along the cliff summit emitted no sound of foot or voice yet there it hung, foreboding evil, gesticulating in mockery; a being too hideous for earth, ever playing the mad antics of a fiend. My gaze rested questioningly upon De Noyan's upturned face, and saw it ghost-like in lack of color, drawn and haggard.

I remarked De Noyan's dissatisfied stare along the featureless shore we skirted, and the lines of care and trouble becoming daily more manifest upon Madame's face. Thus studying the two, I cast about in my own mind for some possible plan of escape. They had been conversing together in low tones, so low, indeed, no words reached me, while the preacher knew nothing of the language employed.

The Puritan had appropriated one of De Noyan's hats, broad of brim, and so ample of crown the high peaked head of the worthy sectary was almost lost within its capacious interior.

For a moment after she regretfully withdrew her hands from my clasp I remained motionless, absolutely forgetful of all else, until De Noyan's voice, harsh now with excitement of approaching combat, recalled me to myself and my post of duty. "It is time we took our positions, Messieurs," he said, bowing with the rare French courtesy of battle.

Then, as I paused, breathless and uncertain, passing my hand across my eyes to clear them from the blood and hair which half blinded me, I heard De Noyan's drawling tone. "Most beautifully done, Master Benteen, and as for our red-headed preacher, by the memory of Jeanne d'Arc, the like of him as fighting man I have never seen."

Within ten minutes they rounded the upper point, and when they again appeared within vision, the boat was a mere dot floating in the midst of the golden sunshine, where the setting sun gave a good-night kiss to the vast, sombre river. De Noyan's boyish face was aglow with unconcealed amusement as I turned toward him.