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Simonds writes from Passamaquoddy. The headquarters of the trade and fishery there was at Indian Island, or as it was sometimes called, Perkins Island. Mr. Simonds and Wm. Hazen were members of the St. John's River Society and it would appear from Capt. Glasier's letter to Nathaniel Rogers of 10th Nov'r., 1765, that the Society had ambitious designs with regard to this locality.

Messrs. Hazen & Jarvis carried on quite an extensive trade with the West Indies where, in consequence of the manufacture of rum and molasses, there was a large demand for hogshead and barrel staves, these were obtainable in considerable quantities on the River St. John, and the terms at which they were purchased may be seen in the following agreement: "St. Johns River, Nov'r. 10th, 1772.

His residence was by far the best and most substantial yet erected at Portland indeed in early days it was considered quite a mansion. The exact date of its erection, curiously enough, has been preserved. An entry in the old day book in James White's handwriting reads thus: "Nov'r 17, 1773 Wm. Hazen Dr. To 4 Gall. W. I. Rum, 3 lb. Sugar, 3 Qts.

Sunday July 10, 1853 Peyton is no more Aged 42 Though he was a bad man in many respects yet he was a most excellent field hand, always at his post. On this place for 21 years. Except the measles and its sequence, the injury rec'd by the mule last Nov'r and its sequence, he has not lost 15 days' work, I verily believe, in the remaining 19 years. I wish we could hope for his eternal state.

Davidson and Israel Perley the latter being in Mr. Davidson's employ. A couple of letters of the period will serve to show how the rivals regarded one another. Samuel Peabody writes as follows: Maugerville, 2nd Nov'r, 1781. "Messrs. Hazen & White, Merchants at Fort Howe, "Gentlemen, Since I wrote to you by John Hart, giving you account of the badness of the Pine Lumber back of St.

Work'd by Ann Eliza Hynds Ag'd 9 Yrs. 2 Mos., Nov'r, 1757 that had been carefully framed and mounted as a small fire-screen, perhaps for Ann Eliza's lady mama or proud grandmother. It was such human and intimate things, the mute mementoes of children who had passed, that made us begin to love Hynds House, for all its bigness and uncanniness and dilapidation.

Captain Isaac Caton was granted a licence "to traffick with the Indians on Saint John's river and the Bay of Fundy," on Nov'r. 9, 1765. He probably made his headquarters at the old French trading post on the historic Island of Emenemic, in Long Reach, of which he was a grantee about thus time, and which has since been called Caton's Island.