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Morgan's nostrum, but they at least made her realise that tea was an unsuitable vehicle for its exhibition, and she communicated the fact to Cranstoun. Her bloodthirsty adviser, however, was able to meet the difficulty.

The Tuna story is described as 'a clear case of disease of language cured by the ordinary nostrum of folk-etymology. The 'disease' showed itself, I suppose, in the presence of the Mangaian words for 'brain of Tuna. But the story of Tuna gives no folk-etymology of the name Tuna. Now, to give an etymology of a name of forgotten meaning is the sole object of folk- etymology.

This extremely talkative old man, who styled himself "Body physician to many distinguished princes and courts," boasted of possessing a secret remedy of the famous Bartliolomaus Anglicus, which, besides other merits, also had the power of bestowing upon a harsh voice the melody of David's harp. Still, the young native of Cologne delayed some time before using the nostrum.

Should the hair begin to grow thin, the lady resorts to many devices to stay the ravages of time; among other things she applies to her locks a fat extracted from crocodiles and venomous snakes. The unguent is believed to be very efficacious, but during its application the woman's feet may not come into contact with the ground, or all the benefit of the nostrum would be lost.

He was not aware that in the Materia Medica of Nature's laboratory there is a substance called "joy," which sometimes effects a cure when all else fails or, if he did know of this medicine, he probably regarded it as a quack nostrum. At all events this substance cured old Moggy, as Willie said, "in less than no time." She took such deep draughts of it, that she quite surprised her old friends.

It was scarcely likely, was it, that a captain would have to know Latin?... He wanted to bring his student life to an end so as to become a pilot and continue practicing on the bridge, beside his father. Perhaps at thirty years of age, he might achieve the command of the Mare Nostrum or some similar boat.

Their suffering grew acute, nature asserted itself over superstition, and their one cry was 'Give us to eat. They dug up roots, and they strove for the supplies which the Governor threw into the country, when famine drove Nongkause's nostrum out. Desperate crowds of the hungry surged over hill and plain, while strength lasted, and then lay down to die.

He also vainly boasted that he could cure any fever in four days' time, by sweating the patient with one draught of his famous nostrum, the Praecipitatus Diaphoreticus Paracelsi; and further adds, "that no man can deserve the name of a physician, who cannot cure any fever in four days' time."

A cause so good gives confidence: if there are plausible appearances against us there are proofs on our side, and I would dare to say to an adversary: Aspice, quam mage sit nostrum penetrabile telum.

The bosom of the shirt was open on all occasions, leaving visible a thatch of white hair. The pantaloons were fastened together with a single button. A palm leaf hat always covered his head even when he was working among his cooking pots. The Mare Nostrum could not be shipwrecked nor suffer any harm while it carried him aboard.