United States or Vatican City ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The Battalion was to seize and hold the following enemy trenches. The above trenches were to be consolidated at once and barricades for Grenade Stations erected at about points A, B, C, D, E, F and G, as shown in corresponding red letters on the sketch. In the case of E, F and G, communication was to be at once opened to our Grenade Stations at Nos. 4, 3 and 2.

The toe is sore worn, but not all by Christian mouths. The heathen vulgar laid their lips there first, for many a year, and ours have but followed them, as monkeys their masters. And that is why, down with the poor heathen! Pereant qui ante nos nostra fecerint. "Our infant baptism is Persian, with the font and the signing of the child's brow.

"A very pious manner of spending his time," Pen said, laughing and thinking that his uncle was falling into the twaddling state. "Gad, sir, that is not the question. A man of his estate may employ his time as he chooses. "And so that was his brougham, sir, was it?" the nephew said with almost a sneer. "His brougham O ay, yes! and that brings me back to my point revenons a nos moutons.

But rancor smouldered deep in the mind of the baffled tyrant, and, as we shall see hereafter, there are subtler means of making an enemy wretched than striking or kicking him. "Et nos ergo manum forulae subduximus." Juv. i. 15. It must not be thought that Eric's year as a home boarder was made up of dark experiences.

Dale had existed to fall to his own lot. His placid Jemima gained by the contrast. Nevertheless he had the ill grace to reply, "Socrates was a man beyond all imitation! Yet I believe that even he spent very few of his evenings at home. But revenons a nos moutons, we are nearly at Mrs. Fairfield's cottage, and you have not yet told me what you have settled as to Leonard."

What were the Middle Ages but a forgetting of Greek and Roman civilization, and what was the Renaissance but a remembering of them a striving to re-create the ruined stage-settings and to re-enact the urbane play of Pagan life. The spirit of the Crusades is now again animate throughout Europe. Nations are uniting in a Holy War against the Infidel de nos jours.

Satur fu, fere Mars! limen sali! sta! berber! Semunis alternei advocapit conctos! Enos, Marmar, iuvato! Triumpe! Which may be thus interpreted: To the gods: -Nos, Lares, iuvate! Satur esto, fere Mars! To all the brethren: Semones alterni advocate cunctos! To the god: Nos, Mamers, iuvato! To the individual brethren: Tripudia! Panegyrics and Lampoons

Nos. 2 and 3 are taken from gravestones in the old churchyard near Queenstown, and the other appears in duplicate on one stone at Muckross Abbey by the Lakes of Killarney.

'Nos hoec novimus esse nihil. Martial. Out of a firm Regard to Impartiality, I print these Letters, let them make for me or not. Mr. I am now between fifty and sixty, and had the Honour to be well with the first Men of Taste and Gallantry in the joyous Reign of Charles the Second: We then had, I humbly presume, as good Understandings among us as any now can pretend to. As for yourself, Mr.

Unhappily, Professor Pfaff's results were quite unknown to me, and I had to get them translated. The coincidences, sure enough, were very noticeable. Just before you came in, I was reviving that old discomfiture. Peak, in glancing over the pages, murmured with a smile: 'Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt! 'Even so! exclaimed Mr.