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Besides, in spite of Jessica's apparent indifference to the glowing eyes of the white horse they infected him with a horrible fear; so he made his escape at the first chance; leading Nimrod around to the house and tying him there to await Ninian's pleasure, while he himself resorted to the most distant and safest spot he could find.

"What age are you?" he suddenly demanded of her. "Fourteen," she replied. "I'm sixteen ... nearly!" he continued. "Ninian's over sixteen," Mary said, and added, "I wish I were sixteen!" "Why!" "Oh, I don't know. I just wish I were. When I'm sixteen, you'll be eighteen ... nearly!" "So I shall. I say, Mary!..." "Yes, Quinny?"

We're going to walk to Boveyhayne. You'll need a stretch after sitting all that time, and Ninian's getting disgustingly obese, so we make him run up and down the road over the cliff three times so's to thin him down!..." "Funny ass!" said Ninian. "Mrs. Graham wanted Mary to come with us, but we wouldn't let her. We're tired of females, Ninian and I, and Mary's very femaley at present.

"But it is a pity, yes. The so fine man and such a rider. He will ride no more, poor Antonio, si." Ninian's blood ran chill, yet he asked, still quietly, though foreseeing evil he dared not contemplate: "Who brought the word?" "Ferd, the dwarf," came the reply, as the dollar exchanged owners.

Rearing, plunging and backing, Ninian's mount had him soon on the ground; and though Ephraim stuck to his saddle like a burr; he could not hold his horse and get at his revolver in that one instant of the appearance and disappearance of this strange "specter."

Up in his bedroom, Henry re-read Ninian's letter, and then he replied to it. Ninian wrote: Blighter: Gilbert's here. He's been here for a week, and he says you ought to be here, too. So do I. Can't you come to Boveyhayne for a fortnight anyhow? If you can stay longer, do.

Ninian's Bay, he strode with great strides towards Rothesay, and Lulach the herd boy, seeing him, thought him the most gallant warrior in all the world, and wondered what his business might be in Bute, and why he should have come over without a train of attendants. It took the knight but a little time to cover the four miles between St.

"Anyhow," said Ninian, when he had related the story of his uncle's views, "I'm going to be an engineer, no matter what Uncle George says, and I'm not going to be a parson and I'm not going to be a blooming ambassador, and I'm not going into parliament to make an ass of myself!..." Ninian's chief horror was of "making an ass" of himself.

He saw Ninian's writing and looked up, said "A-ha!" and held it while he leisurely read the advertisement of dental furniture, his Ina reading over his shoulder. "A-ha!" he said again, and with designed deliberation turned to Ninian's letter. "An epistle from my dear brother Ninian." The words failed, as he saw the unsealed flap. "You opened the letter?" he inquired incredulously.

Hence they had, as we still have, the fairs of Stagshawbank, Whitsunbank, St. Ninian's, St. James's, and St. Boswell's; with the fairs of Wooler, Dunse, Chirnside, Swinton, and of many other towns and villages. Of the latter, several fell into disuse; and that of Whitsome was discontinued.