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I thought 'twur some sneaking Injun. Who are 'ee, anyhow? 'Tain't Bill Garey? No, Billee, 'tain't you, ole fellur." "No," said I, recovering from my surprise; "it's not Bill." "I mout 'a guessed that. Bill wud 'a know'd me sooner. He wud 'a know'd the glint o' this niggur's eyes as I wud his'n. Ah! poor Billee!

"Wagh! that talk's all very well, but what do we know of you or yer cargo?" "Vaya! A bird in the hand's worth two in the bush." "He's a trader. Who's goin' to take his word?" "Rot his cargo! Scalps or cash, cash or scalps! that's this niggur's advice; an' if ye don't take it, boys, ye may leave it! but it's all the pay ye'll ever crook yer claws on."

"Wal, then; that ur's a desprit weepun, for them as knows how to use it; an' he diz; that Injun diz. T'other had a hatchet, too, but he didn't keep it long. 'Twur clinked out o' his hands in a minnit, an' then the Coco got a down blow at him. Wagh! it wur a down blow, an' it wa'n't nuthin' else. It split the niggur's head clur down to the thrapple.

They'll give no money to him, more than to us; and we can get it ourselves if we show the skins for it. That we can." "Wagh! what cares he for us, now that he has got what he wanted?" "Not a niggur's scalp. He wouldn't let us go by the Prieto, when we kud 'a gathered the shining stuff in chunks." "Now he wants us to throw away this chance too. We'd be green fools to do it, I say."

And Rube, as he said this, made a fresh attack upon the wolf-mutton. "I chawed up the ole leggins, till I wur as naked as Chimley Rock." "Gollies! was it winter?" "No. 'Twur calf-time, an' warm enuf for that matter. I didn't mind the want o' the buckskin that a way, but I kud 'a eat more o' it. "The third day I struck a town o' sand-rats. This niggur's har wur longer then than it ur now.

If it runs out we kin drop the weemen, and take what o' them's handiest to carry." This was said with a significant gesture, and a ferocity of expression revolting to behold. "Now, boys! what say ye?" "I freeze to Kirker." "And I." "And I." "I'm not goin' to advise anybody," added the brute. "Ye may all do as ye please about it; but this niggur's not a-goin' to starve in the midst o' plenty."