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"She's just a real, live woman, sah?" he managed to ejaculate, half in doubt. "She sure ain't no ghost, sah?" "By no means, Sam; she is just as real as either you or I. Now listen, boy you know what will happen to you after this, if Donaldson ever gets hold of you?" "I 'spects Ah does, sah. He'd just nat'larly skin dis nigger alive, Ah reckon."

Ah nebber heerd nuthin', ner saw no smoke till she cum a puffin' 'round de end 'o dat p'int. Ah cudn't dare go fer yer then, sah, fer fear dey'd see me, so Ah jus' nat'larly lay down yere, an' watched her go by." "Is it a government boat?" "Ah reckon maybe; leastwise thar's a heap o' sojers aboard her reg'lars Ah reckon, fer dey's all in uniform. But everybody aboard wan't sojers."

"Thar's a mean gang o' white folks 'round yere thet's took it inter their heads ter lick every free nigger, an' when yer done come up ter my door in de middle ob de night, a cussin', an' a-threatenin' fer ter break in, I just nat'larly didn't wanter be licked, an' an' so I blazed away. I's powerful sorry 'bout it now, sah." "No doubt it was more my fault than yours. You are a free negro, then?"

He helped with the runaway slaves." "Yas, sah. Ah's bin called up thet way afore. So Ah just nat'larly went ter work cookin', an' purty soon dey all ov 'em cum stragglin' in ter de cabin fer ter eat. Dar was four ov 'em, sah," her voice a husky whisper. "Bill Sikes, totin' a gun in his han', a free nigger whut dey called Pete, an' two wimin.

"Massa Knox, I never did 'spect to say dis ter no white man, but it seems I just nat'larly got fer ter tell yer. I done heerd thet man say onct just whut yer did, thet a nigger wus just as much his frien' as though he wus white thet it wan't de skin nohow what counted, but de heart. No, sah, I ain't feered fer ter tell yer, Massa Knox.

"An' I reckon we bettah not ride no further, fer if Alick shud smell corn, he'd nat'larly raise dis whol' neighborhood he's got a powerful voice, sah." "Equal to his appetite no doubt." "Yas, sah; that's mostly whut Alick am." "How far away is the house?" "Likely 'bout a hundred yards.

De bigger one was a quadroon, maybe 'bout forty years ol', an' de odder she wan't much more'n a gal; an' dar wan't nuthin' ov de nigger 'bout her, 'cept it mought be de hair, an' de eyes dem was sure black 'nough. Ah just nat'larly felt mighty sorry fer her, fer she done cried all de time, an' cudn't eat nuthin'." "You learned who they were? how they came there?" "Course Ah did.