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He had a wonderful satisfaction in seeing him, and in commenting on his decayed condition after he was gone. It appeared to him amazing that he could hold up his head at all, poor creature. 'In the Workhouse, sir, the Union; no privacy, no visitors, no station, no respect, no speciality. Most deplorable! It was Old Nandy's birthday, and they let him out.

Jope and his party from Nandy's sight, round the bend, before another boatload of pleasure-seekers hove in sight at the mouth of the creek. They were twelve in all, and the boat a twenty-foot galley belonging to one of the war-ships in the Hamoaze. She had been borrowed for the afternoon by the ship's second lieutenant, a Mr.

"So long!" said the soldier, having lit his pipe: and with that he gave a shake to settle himself down in Nandy's clothes, picked up his pistol and scrambled up through the bushes. In thirty seconds he was over the cliff and out of sight, and Nandy left to stare at his new uniform. He picked up the articles gingerly and slipped them on, one by one.

"I beg you won't try," pleaded Aunt Barbree, for this trick of Nandy's always gave her the shivers. "A head like mine was meant for something worthier than civil life. I've been turnin' it over " "Turnin' what over?" "Things in general," said Nandy; "and the upshot is, I've a great mind to 'list for a sojer." "The good Lord forbid!" cried Aunt Barbree.

Well, the time was drawing on when Clatworthy, according to his plans, was to marry her, and to prepare her for it he had taken to writing her a letter every day, full of duty and mental improvement. Part of Nandy's business was to walk over with these letters to Saltash. The doctor explained to him that it would open the pores of his skin, and he must wait for an answer.

Mud is the cure, ma'am mud-bathing and constant doses of sulphur-water, varied with a plenty of exercise to open the pores of the skin." "Sulphur-water?" Aunt Barbree had used it now and then upon her fruit-trees, to keep away mildew. She doubted Nandy's taking kindly to it. "He's easier led, sir, than driven," she said. "My good woman," said the doctor, "you leave him to me.

"You can't be in more of a hurry than I am," answered the soldier, stripping to the very buff for everything he wore, down to his shirt, carried the regimental mark. The only part of Nandy's wardrobe he spared were the boots, which wouldn't fit him at all.

Ain't Father looking well? Father's a sweeter singer than ever; you'd never have forgotten it, if you'd aheard him just now. As to Mr Plornish, he had married these articles of belief in marrying Mr Nandy's daughter, and only wondered how it was that so gifted an old gentleman had not made a fortune.