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'Gate or steele-hoile, it's narro'; and that's enugh for me, an' it were noan us ut made it narro'; it wur th' Almeety Hissel', replied Clogs. 'At any rate, He made it wide enough for Amanda, said Dr. Hale, 'and that is the matter we are now considering. 'I'm noan so sure o' that, doctor. There's a good bit o' Scripter agen yo' if yo' come to texes.

"Why, what do you like about it?" she exclaimed. To her it had been distasteful. "Everything," he answered. "That young come-outer, and his fam'ly that can't understand him for he is broad gauge, yu' see, and they are narro' gauge." The Virginian looked at Molly a moment almost shyly.

It's enough to make one mad to hear volks talk; if I was going to marry myself, then she would ha reason to cry and to blubber; but, on the contrary, han't I offered to bind down my land in such a manner, that I could not marry if I would, seeing as narro' woman upon earth would ha me. What the devil in hell can I do more? I contribute to her damnation! Zounds!

'But durnd yo' think, doctor, that if we do as yo' want us we's be turnin' th' Church into a shoddy hoile? asked Elias Bradshaw. 'There are no shoddy souls, said the doctor. 'No, continued Mr. Penrose; 'it was not shoddy that Christ came to seek and save. 'Who wur it said th' gate were strait and th' road narro'? cried out an old man who was always known by the name of 'Clogs.