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But howsoever I hope for your sake, it will not be here according as often happens, fair promises but no performances; for if it should, I protest ye ought to have made your bargain to have had a peece more at the least for your Nurse keeping; or otherwise you must have had the full liberty to toss up the remains of all that was left in the Gossipping Bowls, or else to have carried the key of the Wine Cellar alwaies in your pocket, and then after the feeding and swathing the child, you might in the twinkling of an eye, swinge up a lustly glass upon the good health of the Father, Child-bed mother and the Child; for the Wine was laid in to be made use of to that end and purpose; and it is commonly known that the Nurses are not so mealy mouth'd; for although they don't do it that every one should see it, they'l be sure with the Maid to get their shares in one corner or other.

At last bolted in a shameless rascal, one of no grace either in words or gesture, and truly worthy of the house where he was; he also set up his voice, 'till apishly composing himself, as if he intended somewhat to the company, he mouth'd out these verses: O yes!

So was I once, in thy fair street, Saint James, Through walking cavaliers, and car-borne dames, Descried, pursued, turn'd o'er again, and o'er, Coursed, coted, mouth'd by an unfeeling bore. &c. &c. &c,

I said again: "Don't you understand? Richard is dead." As a tree falls, he fell. I knew his Time was come, and gently I rais'd him. He claw'd at his Breast and mouth'd "Richard Freeman Pocket-book The Key, the Key!" Look'd at me piteously. 'Twould melt one's Heart to see his Eyes. 'Twas in Dark Green leather, & upon it the Arms of our House.