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However, he brought the infliction on himself by his strange habit of deciding on subjects of which he knew nothing, and of always contradicting persons on the very subjects of which they were necessarily masters. To see Rigby baited was more amusement to Lord Monmouth even than Montem. Lucian Gay, however, when the affair was getting troublesome, came forward as a diversion.

And the ponies, and the curricle, and the vis-a-vis what will become of them? and how shall I make my appearance at the Montem, or any WARE else? Wheeler. Well, but my lord Well, but Bursal though my Lady Piercefield though Miss Bursal is come to Salt Hill, you won't leave us all at sixes and sevens. What can we do without you? Lord J. You can do very well without me. Bursal.

Newington. Landlord. A fine day, Mr. Wheeler. Wheel. And I hope, for YOUR sake, we may have as fine a day for the Montem to-morrow. It will be a pretty penny in your pocket! And here's the best thing of all, the good old tankard still; not empty, I hope. Landlord. Not empty, I hope. Here's to you, Mr. Wheeler. Wheel. Mr. Wheeler! CAPTAIN Wheeler, if you please. Landlord. YOU, Captain Wheeler!

Lord Monmouth gave Coningsby his blessing and ten pounds; desired that he would order a dress, anything he liked, for the approaching Montem, which Lord Monmouth meant to attend; and informed his grandson that he should order that in future a proper supply of game and venison should be forwarded to Eton for the use of himself and his friends.

Don't you know, as well as I do, Mr. Newington, that to-morrow is Eton Montem, and that if we had twenty times as many rooms and as many more to the back of them, it would not be one too many for all the company we've a right to expect, and those the highest quality of the land?

Considering all things, Coningsby and his friends exhibited a great deal of self-command; but they were gay, even to the verge of frolic. But then the occasion justified it, as much as their youth. All were in high spirits. Madame Colonna declared that she had met nothing in England equal to Montem; that it was a Protestant Carnival; and that its only fault was that it did not last forty days.

In the time of George III. and up to the date when it was abolished in 1847, Montem at Eton was a school holiday, an "event," as we should now say, of the London season. Of its origin nothing is known, but the ceremony of a procession in military costume "ad Montem" to a mound near Slough, now called Salt Hill, can be traced back to the sixteenth century.

How came that about? Susan. Well, sir, I was left a foundling in the parish workhouse, at Salthill, near Eton. Nobody knew anything about me, and as I made my appearance there one Montem day, the board of guardians named me Montem. Nokes. And how came you to be chambermaid at this hotel? Woodward, the curate at Salthill, that it happened, sir: he was my benefactor through life.

Military men. Ambitiose, with affected fortitude, stoically. Rursus==contra, on the contrary, showing the antith. between ambitiose and per lamenta. Per lamenta, cf. 6: per caritatem. Igitur, cf. 13, note. Quae faceret==ut ea faceret. Incertum is explained by pluribus locis. Render: general alarm. Expedito==sine impedimentis, armis solis instructo. Fac. and For. Montem Grampium.

So the choice of which of us is to be captain is to be put to the vote amongst the lads most votes carry it; and I have most votes, I fancy; so I shall be captain, to-morrow, and a pretty deal of salt* I reckon I shall pocket. Why, the collection at the last Montem, they say, came to a plump thousand! No bad thing for a young fellow to set out with for Oxford or Cambridge hey?